i always have disputes with my sister

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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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09 Nov 2010, 5:35 am

I have AS and am 14. My sister can be so rude to me, call me names and swear at me constantly. Last heated debate I had with her was weather Arabs/Lebonese are considered Caucasian. I was trying to get my point of view across. You don't need to be completely light skinned in order to be considred Caucasian. I was looking at it from a rational perspective. She said with stubborness "Not they're Middle Eastern" I replied back "That's not one of the main races, your either Caucasianoid, Monglonoid or Negroid" She is so ignorant when it comes to determining race. She even said Spanish aren't Caucasian they are Hispanic. WTF?? To me Arabs are closer to being Caucasian than any other races. They have similar facial features just a slightly darker tan. She is so ignorant. I even read from a professional point of view they are Caucasian. It's like she is saying she knows more than a professor. Who agrees with me that they are Caucasian?? Anyone to me from North Africa, Europe or the mIddle East is Caucasian. :roll: she knows nothing. my sister is 17 by the way

Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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09 Nov 2010, 9:07 am

Arabs are Caucasians, but they can also be refereed as Semites.

Sell your sell sister for change money.

This is the wrong forum section.