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12 Mar 2012, 11:21 am

i realy like to draw, i have been for years,
i mostly scetch it out on paper or on MS paint and then put a picture in twisted brush open sudio to work on .

i dont know how to get pictures to come up so here is a link to my mostly used deviantart that i use most now -

moderate low functining autistic (i was diagnosed with autism, not aspeger syndrome).
my picture is my ear defenders that i wear all the time. pictured is silencio earmuff, l1 howard leight, i also own 12 howard leight (not pictured) .


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12 Mar 2012, 1:05 pm

Right click the image, click copy image URL, click on the picture showing two mountains and a sun, and paste the URL into the text field. Then press ok. [img]http://[/img]

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12 Mar 2012, 2:38 pm

nintendofan wrote:
i realy like to draw, i have been for years,
i mostly scetch it out on paper or on MS paint and then put a picture in twisted brush open sudio to work on .

i dont know how to get pictures to come up so here is a link to my mostly used deviantart that i use most now -

As a child of the 80's, who did have one of the original Nintendos and did spend a significant amount of time playing it, I have to confess that I don't understand the current generation's fixation with it.

Especially in that it seems they are more fixated with the characters than the games themselves.

Perhaps you can explain the interest to me.


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13 Mar 2012, 9:21 am

Ganondox wrote:
Right click the image, click copy image URL, click on the picture showing two mountains and a sun, and paste the URL into the text field. Then press ok. [img]http://[/img]

ive tried that, and many variations/forms of that method, it just dosnt work, at all. ive also tried many kinds of picture links. nothing.

moderate low functining autistic (i was diagnosed with autism, not aspeger syndrome).
my picture is my ear defenders that i wear all the time. pictured is silencio earmuff, l1 howard leight, i also own 12 howard leight (not pictured) .

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13 Mar 2012, 7:52 pm

i just looked at your deviant work. awesome stuff pal! i've been doing art since forever and for some reason hate any computer art besides using photoshop to edit photos. yeah, i'm more of a pencil and paper person straight up, not that i don't think you are.

heck with it, nvm i'm confusing you with what i'm saying probably but anyway also i'm confused myself about downloading urls on just vids, much less photos.

i'm gonna try to download one of my artworks for you in my next post and see if it helps. if i can't oh well but if it does work i'll tell you what you have to do and if maybe it will succeed for you. probably varies from browser to browser or pc or apple or whatev.

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14 Mar 2012, 8:29 am

Added :D

Please, if you are a female don't PM, IM or contact me in anyway. This isn't a joke, I've just simply had enough of all of you.