Hey guys. I've been thinking about starting up a small, non-profit, and self-published literary zine. Would anyone be interested in contributing? It will take a while to get off the ground, because it's all very new, but it'd be good to give a platform to any literary and artistic aspies. I was thinking a mix of short stories and comics.
We'd need:
- Short stories (between 1000 and 4000 words, at a rough guess)
- Short comics (say, between one and two pages, max)
- Graphic artist to design the cover, and do a template for the zine as a whole
And I'd probably do an editorial, and talk about some political issues relating to Asperger's.
and potentially at some point down the line:
- computer programmers (to do an online version of the zine)
The stories and comics wouldn't necessarily have to be about Asperger's, though if anyone wants to write about that it'd definitely be a plus for awareness etc. The main objective would be a sort of punk-aspie-culture-building. Naturally, this is inspired by my Film Studies course, and looking at different minority groups and their film movements (check out things like Third Cinema, Cinema Novo, Queer Cinema, etc).
I think a positive of collaborating online is that we could all print the zine in our respective countries, so it's not focused on just where one of us lives. Obviously Ireland is not the most central place.
It'd be a great outlet for us, and seeing as the first wave of mass-diagnosed aspies are now in their twenties, it'd be good to get some aspie-culture going. Not every submission would be published, naturally, because there'd have to be some quality control, but everyone should be encouraged to develop
What does everyone think? Obviously, as it'd be a group effort, feedback would be appreciated!
Last edited by Dedalus on 23 Mar 2012, 9:04 am, edited 1 time in total.