"Head like a hole" by Nine Inch Nails
"God money I'll do anything for you.
God money just tell me what you want me to"
When I was younger, I would practically do anything for people to let me have my obsessions.
"God money nail me up against the wall"
The "authority figures" would often verbally chastise me about how I needed to stop being so obsessive or about something they just didn't like about me, it was like being backed up into a corner.
"God money don't want everything he wants it all"
I could never be "less obsessive" enough.
"no you can't take it, no you can't take that away from me"
I don't want people trying to change me and will always protest violently
"Head like a hole, black as your soul"
A metaphor for a black hole. Because once something gets sucked in, or I get obsessed with it. I rarely stop obsessing over it. The line "black as your soul" can be a reference to how so many people accused me of being selfish because I wanted to talk about nothing but my obsessions. My mother remarks about how she thought she was literally going to go insane if she had to hear about meerkats (or whatever my obsession was at the time) for the umpteenth time. I always feel like I am suffocating if I can't talk about my obsessions. I felt my mother was the selfish one because my need to talk about my obsessions was probably stronger than whatever negative feelings she felt. My mother even made me cry on several occasions because she made me feel so bad about my obsessions. Other people made me feel so bad I practically felt like I was the antichrist. "Black as your soul" can be interpreted as how "evil "people thought I was or about how "evil" I found the other people.
"I'd rather die than give you control"
Basically this verse is literal. Becoming less obsessive would be the ultimate expression of submitting to oppression. No matter what was dished out at me, I never would give up my obsessions. This verse is basically literal. Martyrdom has always been my ideal death.
"Bow down before the one you serve"
Whenever I protested against being subjected to stop being so obsessive, I was usually yelled at for being "disrespectful". In a way, children are expected to worship authority figures and aren't allowed to defend themselves.
"You're goanna get what you deserve"
The adults telling me that by not giving in and obeying the adults and giving up my obsessions, whatever hostility I experienced was going to be my own fault.
"God money's not looking for the cure"
The authority figure's desire to stop me from obsessing aren't because they think it's somehow hurting me; but because they find it annoying and it bothers them. When people seek out a "cure" for something, they usually have good intentions and have the person's best interest at heart (or at least think they do)
"God money's not concerned with the sick amongst the pure."
Basically confirming what the previous verse is trying to say. "Pure", people who are obsessed with maintaining conformity and are not "contaminated" by an obsession with something obscure.
"God money, let's go dancing on the backs of the bruised."
My parents, teachers and physiologists would often tell me it was my fault I was being bullied for my obsessions. I had a physiologist who was an expert at this.
"God money's not one to choose"
My teachers, psychologists, etc didn't care what my obsession was. If it was an obsession, they wanted me to stop obsessing about it.
"you know who you are"
The ones who engage in these actions know it and they know it is wrong. Basically self explanatory.
Spell meerkat with a C, and I will bite you.
Last edited by MagicMeerkat on 05 Apr 2012, 7:31 pm, edited 2 times in total.