Hmmm... I'm not sure that I would term myself a Madonna "fan", but I always find myself listing her among my favourite artists; like, always high-high on the list. One of her old '80s dance ditties is still my 4th favourite song EVER; it's 'Into The Groove'.
When I think 'the old Madonna', I think anything up until and including 'Vogue'; all her 80s stuff before that. I really think 'Erotica' was the break-off point to a 'new' Madonna, though I have great, great appreciation and admiration for what she did in the '90s. It was a more mature sound, it went a bit more eclectic and experimental than what she was doing in the '80s. I mean, it went from 'Human Nature' to 'Take A Bow', and from her rendition of 'Don't Cry For Me Argentina' to her superb 'Ray Of Light' album.
2000s Madonna, I honestly say I cared less and less for her with each abum. I dunno what it is. I wasn't impressed with the singles off 'American Life'; then when 'Confessions' came out, I wasn't too fond of that and started to appreciate 'American Life' a bit more; then the same thing happened when 'Hard Candy' was released and I listened to it and felt it was quite bland and thought to myself "Confessions wasn't so bad".
But anyway, I'm something of an 80s Madonna freak. My top 5 favourite Madonna songs goes:
1. 'Into The Groove'
2. 'Who's That Girl?'
3. 'Borderline'
4. 'Live To Tell'
5. 'Papa Don't Preach'
I honestly should listen to her 80s albums. It's sad that I haven't done that yet.
clarity of thought before rashness of action