^ Loving the smoking angel there, Palakol!
Gareth and Kasaqa are two OCs whom I conceived half a year ago, but only in the last couple of days have I considered taking them out of my swollen scrap pile. Although their respective backstories underwent constant revisions due to my fickle muse, Gareth has always been an Anglo-Saxon or Celtic-style barbarian in the Conan tradition whereas his love interest Kasaqa was a Nubian princess or queen. Now I've finally written a sketchy outline for their story, but a few changes have been made to the characters. For example, while Kasaqa originally began a warrior type, now she begins as more of a traditional "damsel in distress", albeit one who does know the healing arts and learns to defend herself in the end. The plot involves Gareth rescuing Kasaqa from a Zulu-esque chief and returning her to her native kingdom, braving dinosaurs and the chief's goons along the way.
Check out my art for sale over at
Society6, dudes!