Why do NTs typically listen to really mindless, happy music?

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06 Dec 2012, 9:01 pm

I know it sounds like I'm stereotyping, but if you think about it, the majority of people are NT and all pop music is really repetitive, mindless, shallow, and cheery. While most of the aspies I know and myself listen to deeper, darker music. Does anyone have an idea why this is?


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06 Dec 2012, 9:26 pm

They listen to that stuff the same reason I would. It makes me feel happy and lightens the mood. There is nothing to think about with it, you just go with what you feel. Sometimes we need to stop thinking and feel instead.


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06 Dec 2012, 9:39 pm

I used to only listen to rock and 'darker music' but my interests in music have just changed over time and I listen to different music depending on my mood. I think it depends more on the person and isn't because of being an aspie or not. :)


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06 Dec 2012, 9:47 pm

I'm sure there a hidden message in music most can read... Though for me I can't for the life of me figure out what message or what feeling should be felt with music.

I listen to music simply for its noise for sensory stimulation, audio hyposensitivity of mine means I prefer video game soundtracks without lyrics, rhythm is a bonus and I have it loud often have different sources of music going at the same time such as a radio channel sometimes playing it at twice its speed if option is available.

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06 Dec 2012, 9:55 pm

I've known a few other aspies, and of them about 75% (including myself) listened to darker, edgier music. My reasoning? I find the lyrics more interesting and the music itself tends to strike me as more inspired. I think one reason NTs (at least in my experience) tend to steer clear of this kind of music is that, if people find out, people will perceive them as "emo," or "scene," or some other label.

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06 Dec 2012, 10:22 pm

I love the happy tunes!! !! That's not a NT thing, that's just a thing. Though most pop I hate, but hipster music... yes. Just yes. I like edgier music too because it's a sensory discharge. Try listening to "Lets buy happiness" by boys noize really loud, and you'll get what I mean.


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06 Dec 2012, 10:49 pm

I think this response sums up a lot of their opinions: "I like anything I can dance to!!"


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06 Dec 2012, 11:09 pm

I think I can explain this.

First of all it might be slightly more aspies percentage-wise than NT's who like deep, dark, or pensive stuff but you have to remember - plenty of NT's do as well, just that they're under everyone else's thumb also and they clearly can't put a tune on at the party that'll clear everyone out.

I think the majority of people tend to see everything through a social lense. They see clothing for instance as group identifier, they may even go as far as to be over-literal about it and judge people almost completely on labels they're wearing because they think "a certain type of person wears x" and to them that's the way it all works. Similarly keeping up with what's 'current' is just as important for the same reason.

Somehow that same translation happens to music. Does it have words? If no then its a fail - it can't be a social thing. Is the music something most people can agree on? If no then it fails at its task as a social instrument. Similarly it has to be new, has to have that particular right angle that everyone who's like this can agree on that its the next big thing (I remember a recent A&R and musician saying that there are three go-to superproducers out there - literally, three, and that to make a 'megahit' there are certain chords you're limited to and that's it, the rules are the rules).

The idea of treating music purely as clothing or social-relation stuff is alien to people who really explore music. To people like this the idea of sinking into a tune, exploring it, seeing entire galaxies and nebula between the kick and snare, finding an entire world in a piece of music (even enlightenment to a point) is something far more foreign to them - even to the point where some of them think that these other people (us) are just making it all up in a failed effort to be emo/contrarian. Goes to show just how different everyone's tautologies can be.

That reminds me also that there's a whole other group out there - and I've noticed there are enough aspies out there in this group; people who put musical athleticism ahead of the music itself. A rock tune could be great or a band could have a great album emotionally and tonally but if it doesn't have blazing guitar solos, a Godsmack type drummer, or a singer doing backflips its not good. Similarly a group could have great musical athleticism, be more than a little kitsch on everything else, and the same people will often enough think they're the best thing since sliced bread.

In my previous example (ie. the OP question) the 'Top 40 nazis' as I like to call them (because they turn into despots if anything other than current month Top 40 is played anywhere) take a hard line that music is clothing. The music athleticism purists are people who've taken a hard line that music is a sport. Neither view to that extreme allows music to be music for its own sake. Sometimes a band or musician will both create really mind-blowingly wonderful or deep/multilayer stuff and either be great in the music athletics department or somehow sneak past the radar and gain a fan base in the music is clothing department but that only happens incidentally and all too often it seems like very few musicians can (neurologically speaking) be all of it at once.

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06 Dec 2012, 11:38 pm

I'm not NT, but I really like happy music. Music deeply affects my mood, so I can't listen to darker music without getting in a funk for the rest of the day. I HATE repetitive and/or mindless music though. That's why I'm not a fan of most of the music that my generation enjoys. I'm too analytical for it.


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07 Dec 2012, 12:02 am

Because they save their intellectual w*king for when they're not listening to music? :P

Music Theory 101: Cadences.
Authentic cadence: V-I
Plagal cadence: IV-I
Deceptive cadence: V- ANYTHING BUT I ! !! !
Beethoven cadence: V-I-V-I-V-V-V-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I
-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I! I! I! I I I


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07 Dec 2012, 12:09 am

Yeah I would say because Aspies tend to be more cerebral. HOWEVER, I have grown to like alot of pop and mainstream rock. But that's because my taste in music expanded vibrantly over the course of high school


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07 Dec 2012, 1:31 am

<--- Tried to write happy, mindless pop but was doomed to failure.


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07 Dec 2012, 1:34 am

So you're saying that people who go to death metal, speedcore or darkstep events for example are mostly aspies?

Because I think it's rather the opposite.


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07 Dec 2012, 3:12 am

Um, I'm sorry if I have gone out of point, but I think that age does affect the type of music that people enjoy listening to. Younger people usually enjoy "emo", edgy music more whereas older people usually enjoy "chill", mellow music more. If you ever have the chance to listen to lots and lots of Taiwanese pop, you will notice that pop music can sound dark and angsty sometimes. Anyway, my family members (all NTs) expressed their surprise when they caught me watching SNSD's (a Korean girlband) old videos on Youtube. SNSD is famous/notorious for performing mindlessly cheery songs such as "Gee", "Hoot" and "Run, Devil, Run".





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07 Dec 2012, 3:53 am

I dunno....

I listen to a lot of punk/alt stuff. Much of it is serious and/or political, but a lot of it is happy and or flippant too.

I love PUSA. They aren't pop but I don't think they have ever written an unhappy song!

This is as dark as they get...


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07 Dec 2012, 4:37 am

My music choices tend to be happy, then again a lot of them are also in japanese.


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