Do you like to listen to outdated music?

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23 Jan 2013, 7:48 am

from a review i posted on today-

a review of the french CD "harmonie de l'afreubo- charleston, paso doble, ragtime..."-quel bon harmonie! performed by l'association "filharmonique" ou folklorique des residents et des etudiants de l'université scientifique d'orsay, de bures et d'ulis [what a mouthful!], 60 musicians in all, whose stated goal is to "make music of the least awful kind." this music is gallic like merlot and brie- you can hear the good food and wine in the music! what they might lack in technical perfection they more than make up for in joyful STYLE- nobody else plays it like 'em, period. just their version of "black bottom" alone is worth the price of the disc! but they do a mixture of european marches and american jazz in a marching band style, and it makes me wanna get up and boogie! and the sound quality is pristine and ultra clear high fidelity, worthy of the finest electronics, a demo showpiece. highly recommended.

i posted this because this CD [you can listen to bits of it if you wish, on] is MY KIND OF MUSIC!


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23 Jan 2013, 7:10 pm

The majority of today's musicians suck, which is why I avoid listening to music that is "popular", though there are a handful of "popular" singers whose music I listen to.

Most music I listen to is from the 1970s/1980s.

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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24 Jan 2013, 12:02 pm


Somebody once told me bluntly that only old folks are supposed to appreciate Cantonese opera.


Warning: Don't ever read the "rough translation" unless you're at least 16 years old.

Rough translation of "The Peony Pavilion: The Rendezvous"...

Guy: The Moon Goddess has descended. She is fiddling with her scarlet sash, fiddling with her scarlet sash. She has lost her way in the rain because of the fog obstructing the Moon. She is standing on the wrong doorstep now.

Ghost: I have been living among willows. Wind and frost have been tormenting me. I don't even have a single tile over my head.

Guy: I have no interest in investigating your background, but since you have shown up in the middle of the night, I'm sorry that there isn't any tea for you, I have no intention to drug you with medicated tea... Here's a lantern for you, take it and return to your home in peace.

Ghost: I sigh that my life is but a flower trapped in fog. I, Du Liniang, am weeping now because I'm a lone soul without any family. I have no home to return to.

Guy: How can any woman possibly be homeless? Oh, I understand now. Dear Immortal, perhaps you have fallen in love with my good looks, therefore you showed up so furtively on my doorstep. It's a pity that I'm merely a poor student, merely a poor student... You must have made a mistake.

Ghost: You're wrong. We had already met each other in a dream of mine. I rushed down to your home tonight even though it was so late at night that the Moon had already risen. I admire your charisma; I love your charisma; I wept under the Moon when I feared that I couldn't meet you. I have been living among willows, tormented by fog and rain. I'm a flower who understands humans, waiting for a butterfly to understand me.

Guy: Aiyah, so strange, can you speak more clearly please? Why are you sobbing non-stop now so abruptly? Miss, you are so elegant even as you sob, I think that you're sad that your youth won't last long, I sense that a romance will be budding soon. Miss, are you recently widowed?

Ghost: No. I'm an unmarried flower, I'm still a virgin. I have lived secluded in my room all my life, I haven't married yet.

Guy: Since you're an immortal, an unmarried immortal, I count myself fortunate that I have the opportunity to meet you. But now, I'm frightened as I think, I think as I'm frightened... Where should we meet? Should we meet under the plantain tree?

Ghost: Don't be frightened, don't be frightened. Did you remember offering your prayers at a shrine once? The wind was scattering flowers then, I had always intended to meet you, so in Buddha's presence, I manipulated the wind into blowing a portrait of myself towards you. You picked that portrait up. Is there any difference between my portrait and my real self?

Guy: No difference.

Ghost: I have grown thin.

Guy: You're as beautiful as a flower. Both your portrait and you are equally lovely.

Ghost: But the incense at the shrine, the incense at the shrine, it had clouded my jade-like beauty and ruined my appearance, cheapening my portrait's value.

Guy: Let us dream together... My bed's curtains are embroidered with Mandarin ducks.

Ghost: But I'm frightened that my icy flesh will chill you, causing you to fear me.

Guy: Don't be frightened, don't be frightened.

Ghost: But I'm frightened, but I'm frightened. I heard the clock chime twice, it's already the Second Hour.

Guy: If you worry that the Moon will shine onto this perfumed quilt, then shut the windows and ignore the Moon. Hahahahaha!

(Note: I might be wrong, but I think that the Second Hour refers to 1am-3am.)


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24 Jan 2013, 12:11 pm

i normally listen to:

Louis Armstrong
Duke Ellington
Ella Fitzgerald
The Ink Spots
Louis Jordan
Billie Holiday
Frank Sinatra
Dean Martin
Kay Kyser
Bing Crosby
Fred Astaire
pink floyd
jimmi hendrix
some other ones


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24 Jan 2013, 1:03 pm

What music is outdated? Sure, the style is outdated, but those songs will live on forever. :D

Yes, I listen to older music. I practically grew up listening to Elvis.

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24 Jan 2013, 1:39 pm

I don't know, I think even some of today's music that hits the charts has its merits. I enjoy bands like Kings Of Leon, Mando Diao, and Gossip. I've been getting into Kendrick Lamar, although I his latest album is not to my tastes. I like Dutch singers Trijntje Oosterhuis, Anouk, and Ilse DeLange, who all three have been going strong for the past 15 years with no let up, and are each talented and capable of delivering great live performances on the stage. I enjoy plenty of contemporary music, and don't feel as though the radio stations or the charts are cluttered up with proportionately more garbage than they were in 1995 (2Unlimited, Boyzone anyone?).

I would agree with Makayla that no music is outdated, though. I think music that has an actual artistic value, and wasn't created for solely commercial purposes, is timeless. I took some time the other day to listen to old hits from the US R&B charts, and it helped introduce me to The Impressions, Curtis Mayfield's old band, after first having listened to his Curtis and Superfly albums (and loving them). And the other day, I went on a bebop binge on Youtube. I'm just happy that all the older music is still around and catalogued and stored and recorded somewhere for everyone to access.

But at heart I remain an incorrigible popmusic-head. :P I'll just as soon groove to Call Me Maybe because of how catchy it is, and it's really harmless, but honestly ditties like that have been around for centuries and they serve their purpose in society.

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25 Jan 2013, 10:39 pm

I'll agree that I'm wrong in saying such music is "outdated", and I agree some newer music has its merits as well, and in fact I do like some newer songs. It's just harder to find those "gems" in the modern music industry today, and I thought that music created before was better.

BTW, I'll (try to) change it to "older music". Stuff like older Bruce Springsteen, etc will never die! :D


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25 Jan 2013, 10:53 pm

this guy could play the piano like nobody's business :thumleft:


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26 Jan 2013, 1:06 am

Often times I discover bands 10 years too late or they have already disbanded.
I try to listen to a wide range of music so sometimes I do listen to bossa nova, acid jazz and others that were popular back in time.


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26 Jan 2013, 10:47 pm

This is why I mostly listen to stuff from the 80s. I loathe the crap that's coming out these days.

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27 Jan 2013, 4:45 am

noxnocturne wrote:
This is why I mostly listen to stuff from the 80s. I loathe the crap that's coming out these days.

How about Bryan Adams? He was great.