calling an instrument something else

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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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09 Jul 2005, 7:48 pm

I don't remember the first time I heard someone call a guitar an 'ax' but I liked the reference. However, I have never been able to use the term. I always have to say 'guitar', because that's what it is... Why do they call a guitar an ax - or is it axe?


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09 Jul 2005, 9:19 pm

Is Interesting :) 8)

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09 Jul 2005, 10:04 pm

I had a dream where I was in a school where you had to play something, and I told a teacher I played a bass when it was a clarinet.


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12 Jul 2005, 12:04 pm

It's Axe, and it's just a slang term for Electric Guitar. I think it originated in the 1970's but I'm not too sure, it could be older. I personally never really liked the term, and never use it.


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12 Jul 2005, 9:24 pm

I call a didgeridoo a didgeridon't.


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13 Jul 2005, 1:13 am

Hahahahahahahah ah ha ha ha ha ha a h hh a ha ha aaa ......................--------------?¿¿¿......what was I laughing at again?

In cape breton we has Fiddles instead of violins.


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03 Aug 2005, 9:05 am

Fogman wrote:
It's Axe, and it's just a slang term for Electric Guitar. I think it originated in the 1970's but I'm not too sure, it could be older. I personally never really liked the term, and never use it.

I use the term axe sometimes, but not often. I connect emotionally to inanimate objects (yeah, I know that makes no sense) and to me the term axe is like some sort of (what's the english word?) term you would use to describe something in a manner similar to calling a friend a pal. However, I may say "I have to get my axe" and I could be refering to any one of the guitars I have. I do tend to say "I have to get my Yamaha," or "I have to get my Martin" when I refer to certain guitars and think more of my electric as being my axe. I do have some difficulties with the word though and I think it is one of those words that I have just parroted without really understanding it. I do recall someone referring to their guitar as their axe when I was very young and I remember asking what they mean by "axe" and they told me it is a slang term for guitar. Even when I say it when referencing a guitar I still picture an axe that would be used to chop wood. Perhaps it is a term that came from the days when some guitarists swung their instruments like axes, smashing them into the stage during a show. I can certainly make a visual connection in that respect, but why I would say "I have to get my axe" when I have no intention of smashing it, or cutting wood with it, I have no clue, unless I am simply continuing to parrot that person from long ago.

The Rhymin' Red Rover, that's what they call me,
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03 Aug 2005, 1:43 pm

Absolute_Zero wrote:
In cape breton we has Fiddles instead of violins.

Actually, I've been told that it depends on the style of music being played with the violin. If you're playing Classical music, it's a violin. If you're playing Bluegrass, Country(etc.), it's a fiddle. Why, because the instrument is used in two distinctly different ways. At least that's my assumption.

Tuba is referred to as Bass and Tuba on sheet music. Some people get pissed when Sousaphones are called Tubas, even though they're played the same way.

Bass Clarinet and Contra-bass Clarinet are easily mixed up. The sounds are very similar.

Axe for guitar could be a reference to Axel Rose.



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04 Aug 2005, 1:25 pm

I play the trombone, and it is sometimes referred to as a 'Bone' or 'T-Bone' for short, I could see why they would call it that because it's abbreviating the name. Sometimes it's even referred to as the 'Trombonicus' or something that sounds tough; it sounds like someone wanted to have a tough-looking music section named the 'Trombonicus' section or something. I usually just call it the trombone (even though when it was first invented a very long time ago it was called a 'sack-butt' or 'saquebutt').

I'm 24 years old and live in WA State. I was diagnosed with Asperger's at 9. I received a BS in Psychology in 2011 and I intend to help people with Autistic Spectrum Disorders, either through research, application, or both. On the ?Pursuit of Aspieness?.


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04 Aug 2005, 1:35 pm

I think it is neat when a trumbone section is called bones. Like in a mixing environment you might hear someone say something like, "crank up them bones" and I think it sounds so funny.

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04 Aug 2005, 8:55 pm

You both failed to mention Trom-boner! :lol:



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05 Aug 2005, 12:11 pm

Sarcastic_Name wrote:
You both failed to mention Trom-boner! :lol:

Yeah, I guess we did forget that one (lol).

I'm 24 years old and live in WA State. I was diagnosed with Asperger's at 9. I received a BS in Psychology in 2011 and I intend to help people with Autistic Spectrum Disorders, either through research, application, or both. On the ?Pursuit of Aspieness?.


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06 Aug 2005, 8:41 pm

When I was little I used to call the guitar a "tee-tar".

:D SpaceCase :D

Live and let live.


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06 Aug 2005, 10:46 pm

I call the piano the nimblenazer X3200

I smell french fries.