Kraichgauer wrote:
Meistersinger wrote:
I recorded this solo this morning during worship services. Yours truly is doing the singing (with a few flubs, the mot noticeable being that this piece is way too low for me. It's also hay fever season, so the voice is sounding quite rough. Anyhow, here's some Heinrich Schuetz, from his Psalmes David,, you're too hard on yourself. You have the voice of an angel!
Did you have any problem singing in sie Deutsche?
1. This arrangement came via the Choral Public Domain Library. The version I used to use, until the copy I had disintegrated, was published by Concordia Publishing House, and has been out of print for years.
2. I can singen in sie Deutsch, but I don't speak it. The flubs were mostly because I wasn't able to get together with the accompanist (who's also the church organist, and, with his twin brother, were classmates (they were Red Lion Senior High class of 1974, and I was class of 1976. The three of us used to play in the same community band, they on trumpet, and yours truly on clarinet) until 10:15 this morning. It also didn't help that I had problems trying to get my eyes to focus. (And I just had my eyes dilated 2 weeks ago. The ophthalmologist said cataracts, but they're not serious--yet.) At least the sanctuary at Good Shepherd wasn't freezing cold, unlike some other churches I've been in. Also, I would have preferred the organ as the accompanying instrument, but, like most LC-MS congregations I've been in (as well as a few ELCA, WELS, and NALC, as well as one of the 2 Unitas Fratrem congregations (Moravian) here in York) the organ is in the rear of the chancel, and the multimedia hardware is behind the altar.
If you think my Deutsch is not up to snuff, my Francais is even worse. My next solo is Gounod's Repentir, which I'm singing, in French, toward the end of August (that is, if Covenant Moravian doesn't call and tell me I'm their next chorus master.). If they do, it will only be my second continuous professional music job in almost 40 years. (The first, other than the per service MPTF gigs I played with one of the oldest (depending on whose history you read) concert bands in the nation, was with Zion Lutheran, which I left last summer after the current harem that passes for the pastoral staff in that congregation told the organist, who was there for only 6 months, after 30 years in the Army Chaplin Corps as an organist and chorus master, to not let the door hit you where the Good Lord Split you, else the congregation would be charging him to replace the door.)