Anachron wrote:
I was diagnosed with "High Functioning Autism" in April.
I had a bit of misfortune last weekend when I was run out of my home and land by Wildfire in Montana.
That was Saturday, on Sunday morning, my wife divorced me and took the kids. I don't know where they are.
I have nothing left, except the album I had recently begun to compose. is my intention to finish it, instead of dwelling on the things that have just happened.
Thank you for your time.
Wow that's pretty sh*tty, lose your house and your family all in one weekend....sheesh. I certainly do hope your music can help you.
Though pretty sure unless courts ruled you as being neglectful or abusive you have rights in regards to your children, also well its not an official divorce unless she had a document to confirm it also if you don't agree to her having custody then the courts can decide. I mean yeah I don't really know the situation leading up to it, but I know for a divorce there is a legal process to go parent can't just run off with the kids and claim divorce without going through the legal process.
We won't go back.