I've always loved the heck out of music too. I'm always discovering new genres I like on Spotify and listen nonstop some days; I feel like I can either be tired without it and feel no purpose, but if I'm too sensitive and sad I need to hear just the right thing. I don't even need to have broken up with someone and I'll have to get away from relationship songs.
And as with a lot of you guys, I may even be able to have enough connection that being without music a whole day drives me crazy, also I've tried to compose some good stuff on Soundcloud, unfortunately I took off a really good song I put together and I made it on an old version of Ableton Live Intro (I don't make a whole lot of music, humph). Yep, humph.
But anyways.
Anyone who read this post, please check out IDM and LoFi instrumental music, both genres are highly underrated that can actually keep you chill and relieve stress depending on the steady, calm groove.
Unfortunately at the Emu Egg stage I can't share any videos...dangit.
Peace all!
My heart says one thing. My head says another. Very hard to get your heart and head together in life.
Woody Allen