starkid wrote:
Magneto wrote:
Not quite. Very, very short stories, but they're still stories.
People tell them all the time in the form of jokes.
Stories have plots. I read your tumblr, and some of the entries have no discernible plot.
To be fair, OP kind of already 'fessed up to that!
Actually, I struggle with writing short stories because the modern short story is NOT plot-driven. The majority of short stories I've read from the past few decades are not a sequence of scenes in which a plot is enacted. They're a sequence of scenes that explore an emotion, an idea, an image, a setting, or a situation. Often there is literally no plot, just a couple of scenes where nothing really changes. When there is a plot, it takes a back seat to the basically static concept around which the story is is built.
I've seen this both in SF/fantasy and in generall fiction. I think it dates back to James Joyce and his "epiphany" idea. He wrote a lot of short stories in which all that happens is that the central character has a realisation or "epiphany" about the nature of their life. This approach has taken over short-story writing to a ridiculous degree.
I guess flash fiction can take the whole "epiphany" thing and cut out a whole lot of bloated artsy verbiage, leaving you with just the core of the situation.
You're so vain
I bet you think this sig is about you