Chummy wrote:
PaleBlueDotty wrote:
What an epic song, one of my favorites from the 70s.
I love it, too!
I am on a journey through the pop/rock songs of my childhood at the moment, browsing since yesterday through youtube's 'best of' clips and it is funny how a tune strikes up an instant memory, almost like a scent.
I was only around 6-7 when most of these tunes were popular and therefore I often can remember the tune, but not the title of the song.
youtube should offer a search engine in form of a digital keyboard, where one could play the notes on the computer keyboard ( there are pleny of those on the web ) and then youtube would search their actual audio database (if there is such a thing) for a match, and one would just end up with a suggestion of songs to browse through and could end up with that long elusive childhood earworm.
And no, I do not offer to host the server, one can have dreams as a stupid end user, can't one,
