Finished Fall of the Sky Lords. Funny that with a book containing a character as unholy loathsome as Milo, the most evil action in it is the one I'd be bound to take myself. Odd, anyhoo, I seem to remember whoever first mentioned these books on here said they were looking for sequels; the ending of this book is pretty damn final. Quite heavy on the author tracts, which detract.
Just read Carnosaur, by the same author (under a false name.) Very interesting. Anyone who knows the film of Carnosaur (which came out at the same time as Jurassic Park) knows how bad it is (personally I remember it as So Bad It's Horrible rather than So Bad It's Good, but not everyone agrees) and the book isn't brilliant - it's not as good as the book Jurassic Park - but I hadn't appreciated that Jurassic Park, the book, is remarkably similar to Carnosaur, the book, and that Carnosaur came first by a long time (apparently the author was trying to cash in on Hollywood dinosaur films - ironic, don't you think?) Either direct plagiarism, surprising coincidence, or a simple artefact of working out how the modern world copes with genetically engineered dinosaurs running amok...
Also reading The Nine Nations of North America but not far into it enough to report. Gonna read The Return of the Black Company now.
No one has gone missing or died.
The year is still young.