jmnixon95 wrote:
Jory wrote:
Ambivalence wrote:
Waiting for The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo to arrive in't post. Wouldn't normally be my choice of subject material but enough people are raving about it that I got's to know.
An equal number have been telling me it's f***ing awful. I'll be interesting in hearing what you think of it.
I couldn't get past the first thirty or forty pages; it was too dry and dull. I hear it gets better... around page 200 or so. I just couldn't read that mass of boring for that long.
I'm about 300 pages into it and that is the case so far - the pace is picking up a bit now after a long introduction to the inconveniently numerous Vanger family. Sexual violence was mainly absent from the first part of the book, which surprised me given the original title, but is shaping to be the theme of the rest of it.
HP and the PS was fun. *grins* Will have to read through the rest of the series once I get this depressing stuff outta the way.
No one has gone missing or died.
The year is still young.