Kindle / Nook / other eReader, anyone?

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Moog wrote:
GoonSquad wrote:
Moog wrote:
Can anyone tell me what formats it takes? Can I load my PDFs, html, word, .lit, and text files that I didn't purchase through Amazon into it, and does it connect to a computer via USB? I really love the idea, and they are getting into an affordable price range... I do have a lot of ebooks, and I can't really hack too much reading at the PC.
Supported file formats.
Kindle (AZW), TXT, PDF, Audible (Audible Enhanced (AA, AAX)), MP3, unprotected MOBI, PRC natively; HTML, DOC, JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP through conversion.
Kindle (AZW), TXT, PDF, Audible (Audible Enhanced (AA, AAX)), MP3, unprotected MOBI, PRC natively; HTML, DOC, JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP through conversion.
From what I understand kindle is not great for pdf due to small screen size. Also kindle will not display ePub or .lit files. However, there are some pretty good converter programs that will allow for conversion of unprotected ePub and .lit files (and others) to a kindle friendly format.
Cheers, Goonsquad. It says Mp3 in there, does that mean you can listen to music/audio books with it too?
Thanks for answering my questions, I'm too lazy to do my own research ^_^
Yes, you can listen to mp3s and audio books, but, from the reviews I've read, the interface is a bit lacking--you would not want a kindle as your primary mp3 player.
Concerning audio books, kindle also has a text to speech feature, called read to me, that allows any book to be an audio book... Although some publishers have this feature disabled for their titles.
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