Beyond being a fan of Edith Piaf, I was first introduced to French popular music via some Saturday Night Live sketches that were set in a French bistro. At some point during the sketch a French pop tune (with what seemed a bit of island rhythms) would start play and the cast would break out into some amazing dance.
Of the videos posts in this thread the one that comes closest to this musical style is J'ai Tant de Peine. A year of so ago Starbuck's was selling a CD of French pop music also in that style. I rather wish I had bought it.
Audiophiles: The Halliday video shows him presumably singing into a RCA BK5b. Of course he is clearly doing lip sync, but I find using the BK5b (even as a dummy) a bit of a joke because my experience with it is that it pops like crazy, even with a pop screen. (It is truly a ribbon in that way.) C'est pas vrai?
"Righteous indignation is best left to those who are better able to handle it." - Bill W.