Embla wrote:
Concerned about what? Did they worry that you might join the big scary gay agenda I've heard so much about?

It's hard to keep track of everything, what with my sinister intentions left handed club, and mandatory World domination by gay agenda society meetings.

I think that she meant well. She was only borderline homophobic , so it wasn't really about converting me back to normal. More about making clear that bisexuality isn't a real thing, and i should make up my mind (preferably in the hetero direction, "but no pressure!") in order to maintain a good mental health.
But the main worry was about me not having shoes or friends

Yeah, I had a teacher who was biphobic.
I was sat in class, when someone asked her who she thought might be gay. At the time, I wasn't out and I didn't intend to be, so a part of me worried a little bit.
My school didn't exactly have the best track record with treating LGBT students well.
Our teacher said it didn't matter who was gay in our class. So, I relaxed.
Unfortunately, she then continued by saying "I don't mind gay or straight people, but bisexuals are just greedy and need to pick a side".

What utter nonsense. I didn't like that teacher much.
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25. Near the spectrum but not on it.