magz wrote:
That's a fail of the capitalist society that it undervalues culture. Culture is not really changable to money, good art does not always sell for good money and vice versa, so capitalism has a problem with it.
I got you do have some means to live.
Then write. It is worth it.
I envy poets. I am sensitive to poetry but I can't really make anything good myself.
I would argue it's more consumerism than capitalism per se that's the issue because it really is helpful for any artist to get compensated well for their work. There's just SO MUCH art available that it is hard to stand out and people can't slow down to enjoy it. Information overload and a lack of patience due to the demands of the modern world makes for indecisiveness and finicky behavior. Really though, now is the best time to be an artist because we are in the peak of the information-communication age and have more opportunities than ever before in human history, but one needs to slow down a bit and be personal and caring. Be a respite for all those running the rat race and you will be loved. Try to hock yet another "product" and you'll just blend into everything else.