I have nothing against synthesized music, in fact I'm very fond of it. However, I hate when syntesized music is used to replace or imitate acoustical instruments. Synthesized sounds have their own beauty and should be treated that way.
t depends. I quite like analog synth stuff (i.e., Kraftwerk, '80s pop), but digital samples never quite live up to live instruments.
The difference is that analog synthesizers usually don't try to be other instruments; they are synthesizers, with their own unique sound. Digital samplers (sometimes inaccurately called synthesizers) are used as (inferior-sounding) replacements for live instruments.
I'm with Steveopia and Nitro on this one...
synth music that tries to imitate acoustical instruments, yes, does suck, but when synthesizers are used to their full capability to creat sounds that simply aren't possible with any other instrument, they are awesome!
Check out the very FIRST synthesizer ever built...the Hammond Novachord. They pre-dated the Moogs by over 20 years! This site has some awesome MP3's of some Novachord music!