IdahoRose wrote:
I've been working on some original characters, and I was wondering if anyone else has any they'd like to share. You can go into as much detail as you want. I'm interested in what you have to say.
In which genre? I've got superheroes, spies (noir and futuristic), fantasy characters, starship crews...
FROSTFIRE: Formerly an officer with the Seattle PD, he was involved in chasing a supervillain through the high-energy physics labs at the University of Washington, when he was caught in an explosion in a temperature-control experiment (reproducing the atomic-laser effect, at near-absolute-zero temps). He emerged from the wreckage with the ability to fly, and to project temperature changes at range from the freezing point of oxygen to the melting point of steel. He can also create simple structures (walls, bridges, slides, etc) from ice. (His partner was blown into a gravitic-control experiment - now, as Mass, she possesses the ability to multiply her density, giving her enormous strength and near-invulnerability.)
BIG PHIL: A legendary swordsman, known by no other name. Big Phil is as big as a house, as strong as an ox, as healthy as a horse, as fast as a cat, and as smart as a box of rocks. The reason his full, true name is unknown, is because he can't remember it. His home village was destroyed by a raiding party when he was a child; he wants to devote his life to avenging his parents, but he has no idea who did it or how to find them.
Sodium is a metal that reacts explosively when exposed to water. Chlorine is a gas that'll kill you dead in moments. Together they make my fries taste good.