I love reading anything, including newspapers, catalogues, recipe books, cereal boxes-- in general, anything printed, even apartment and house floorplans. My favourites, though, include existential philosophy, physics, pataphysics, European history, biographies, political analysis, Canadian short stories, classical poetry, and specific authors including Franz Kafka, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Anton Chekhov, Jean Paul Sartre, Samuel Beckett, Al Purdy, P. A. Lopez, Simone de Beauvoir, Sylvia Plath, Ludvig Wittgenstein, James Burke, Irshad Manji, Jane Goodall, Pierre Berton,
Friedrich Nietszche, Laurence Rees, C S. Lewis, Carl Sagan, Barbara Coloroso, June Callwood, Stephen J. Gould, Stephen Hawking, and others too numerous to mention.