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10 May 2008, 7:43 pm

i'll cry if i want to

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10 May 2008, 11:34 pm

That new Mariah Carrey (I don't know how to spell the name, but I'm sure you get it) one bugs the heck out of me. She could just say that she wanted to have sex instead of trying to sing about it (without ever actually using those specific words) for four (or however many) minutes about it, and thus I would be spared of having to listen to it. Again and again and again because the radio plays it.

Then, there's one new one that I heard the other day; I actually turned off the radio while driving (I always listen to it when doing such, because I zone out otherwise). It was this girl singing about how she hurts her boyfriend because she's cheating on him and he knows it, but now she's starting to feel kinda bad about it because he's not happy. She got to, "I don't want to be a murderer," and I threw the switch. 1.) She shouldn't be in a relationship if she can't be faithful, 2.) she should have thought about his feelings before she decided to cheat, 3.) she manages to make it about her anyway, and 4.) lack of loyalty when you say that you love someone is unforgivable. I didn't like it at all.

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12 May 2008, 2:48 pm

Er, that sounds like a pretty badass story song to me. You saying you don't listen to any songs with murder, or death, or anything bad in them, ever?


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12 May 2008, 3:06 pm

Batman1992 wrote:
people go for what sells....that's why there are more sad stories on the news than happy ones. It's a running joke between my mom and I, where I'll ask her "What doom and gloom was on Fox News today?" and she'll laugh.

As we say in journalist-land, "If it bleeds it leads". ;)

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13 May 2008, 8:42 pm

I'm assuming you're talking to me...

JohnHopkins wrote:
Er, that sounds like a pretty badass story song to me. You saying you don't listen to any songs with murder, or death, or anything bad in them, ever?

No, I do. In fact, I'm listening to a song now about a guy who murders his girlfriend, and then she comes back and murders him for revenge. It has a good beat, and I like the music. Actually, I like the lyrics too. Good song all the way around.

But I'm very loyal, and while murder doesn't really repulse me, cheating does. And she kept whining about it too, like she should be pitied when, if anything, she should be thrown out. I was not sympathetic.

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16 May 2008, 12:39 pm

I don't know if "SexyBack" and "My Humps" count as sexist,
but those songs are annoying as hell! :evil:

I do like the music video for "SexyBack" though.

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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16 May 2008, 4:03 pm

RainSong wrote:
But I'm very loyal, and while murder doesn't really repulse me, cheating does.

...baking powder???

Does not compute.


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18 May 2008, 5:24 pm

the f**k song - some smooth rap...I don't think you'll find it at Wal-Mart...;)
She's only 17 - Warrant, or someone like that. Love the song, hate the lyrics.
Hit me with your best shot is about a woman who can stand up to the worst a guy can throw at her...sexist how?...;)
Closer to God (I dunno, it's 9" Nails ) strippers were dancin' to that for years...;)
most things Frank Zappa did...was a great musician, but kept himself off the air for his lyrics...Magdalena is one that's pretty sexist, but then there's Mud Shark (you don't want to know the story behind that one...;)


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26 Aug 2010, 8:15 am

I'm a bit of a Gerry Anderson fan, but one thing that does spring to mind (in his work) that's very sexist is....

'Shooting Star' A song song by 'Cliff Richod Jr' (in real life a pupet version of Clif that was also vosied by him) in a dream squence in the movie 'Thunderbirds are Go!' Where a bloke bullys her girlfriend to not cheat on him (and we must persume stay with him), or else his gangster pals will rub her out!! !! !!

Granted Cheeting on someone is wrong but there are far better ways to tell someone that they have hurt your feelings (eg Dumping them or Guilt tripping them)

I know that it's an old song, but in my view it's bang out of order to have put it in a KIDS film!! !!

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26 Aug 2010, 8:28 am

pakled wrote:
the f**k song - some smooth rap...I don't think you'll find it at Wal-Mart...;)
She's only 17 - Warrant, or someone like that. Love the song, hate the lyrics.
Hit me with your best shot is about a woman who can stand up to the worst a guy can throw at her...sexist how?...;)
Closer to God (I dunno, it's 9" Nails ) strippers were dancin' to that for years...;)
most things Frank Zappa did...was a great musician, but kept himself off the air for his lyrics...Magdalena is one that's pretty sexist, but then there's Mud Shark (you don't want to know the story behind that one...;)

That's the band Winger.


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26 Aug 2010, 9:31 am


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26 Aug 2010, 10:04 am

i'll cry if i want to

Let me add the sequel, "Judy's Turn to Cry," to this list.

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26 Aug 2010, 10:13 am

This kind of thing doesn't bother me. I do not require song lyrics to match my own positions.


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26 Aug 2010, 10:20 am

RainSong wrote:
That new Mariah Carrey (I don't know how to spell the name, but I'm sure you get it) one bugs the heck out of me. She could just say that she wanted to have sex instead of trying to sing about it (without ever actually using those specific words) for four (or however many) minutes about it, and thus I would be spared of having to listen to it. Again and again and again because the radio plays it.

There is such a thing as an 'off' switch, you know. That seems to me to be a much more reasonable way of preventing yourself from hearing that song.


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26 Aug 2010, 8:55 pm

skafather84 wrote:

WHOA!! 8O I'll agree that the songs the OP mentioned are sexist, but THIS?!?!? At least the others had good MELODIES and weren't so EXPLICIT!! Even the music for this one was pretty disgusting IMO. I looked up the lyrics later (as well as the lyrics, but NOT the music, to a couple other Mentors songs, just to have a feel for who they were), and those are just some of the most foul, disgusting lyrics I've ever heard!! :eew: I know it's quite commonplace, what with rap and hip-hop becoming more popular than ever, to hear stuff like this nowadays :( But this was NINETEEN-SEVENTY-SIX, pplz!! For some weird reason, this song even makes The Sex Pistols look tame by comparison!!


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26 Aug 2010, 10:01 pm

GriffinGuitar12 wrote:
skafather84 wrote:

WHOA!! 8O I'll agree that the songs the OP mentioned are sexist, but THIS?!?!? At least the others had good MELODIES and weren't so EXPLICIT!! Even the music for this one was pretty disgusting IMO. I looked up the lyrics later (as well as the lyrics, but NOT the music, to a couple other Mentors songs, just to have a feel for who they were), and those are just some of the most foul, disgusting lyrics I've ever heard!! :eew: I know it's quite commonplace, what with rap and hip-hop becoming more popular than ever, to hear stuff like this nowadays :( But this was NINETEEN-SEVENTY-SIX, pplz!! For some weird reason, this song even makes The Sex Pistols look tame by comparison!!

Actually, it's the 80s.

And the Sex Pistols were a Disney boy band compared to The Mentors. Legend has it Courtney Love asked El Duce to kill Kurt Cobain and he declined and pointed Love to someone else. He later mentioned it in the documentary Kurt and Courtney and then later wound up dead, himself.

But yeah, this is why the whole attacking rap music and "black culture" thing annoys me. Because I know better...this is the dark side of the punk scene and there's plenty other "white culture" aspects that can get just as disgusting. Attacking blacks for something that everyone does is just a quantum of racism.

A couple other good ones would be The Dwarves*, The Meatmen, and Kill Allen Wrench.


*Actually The Dwarves are one of my favorite bands and they're not quite as bad...more juvenile.

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