techstepgenr8tion wrote:
Interesting thing is there's still a few cd's I can think of that if someone had em, I'd still be tempted to listen again just for old times sake. There was a band called Dig Hay Zoos who were skater-thrash metal and I remember I had Strugglefish, their first and I'm thinking probably best tape; they definitely had talent and I was feeling the energy of that cd a lot just because it was as moody as it was jammin (I'd still recommend that one to anyone who's into that kind of stuff and is looking into something like that). I also had the self-titled Crucifix cd which wasn't that bad and there was a rap-metal group which was kinda like a cross between Anthrax and 24-7 Spyz called XL & DBD; both those cd's were nice to jam out to as well.
Lol, even when it comes to Christian music you manage to find stuff that no one's ever heard of. I was into christian rock/metal/rap back then too and I've never heard of any of those artists. I'll have to see if I can find samples on the internet somewhere. What else were you listening to? Around that time, for rock/metal I would have been listening to stuff like Bride, Tourniquet, Whitecross, Fear Not, Idle Cure, Holy Soldier, White Heart, Angelica, Stryper, 20/20 Blind... and of course the big names like Petra, Newsboys, Audio Adrenaline. For rap D-Boy and Michael Peace were a couple of favorites (and of course DC Talk)... no other names are coming to mind right now.
techstepgenr8tion wrote:
They did get me into stuff like DC Talk, DeGarmo & Key, and Micheal W. Smith for a minute (can't diss em, some of their stuff I still think is catchy)
I liked Degarmo & Key and DC Talk. Lol, Michael W Smith was one of those cases where my parents didn't mind listening to him, so that automatically meant it wasn't cool. When John was in 11th grade (you probably would have been in 7th then) he had a Parenting class in school where they had to carry a 10 lb sack of flour around for a week as if it were a real baby. John's flour baby was a boy and he named it Dana, after Dana Key from Degarmo & Key. Lol, baby Dana had an earring and wore headphones with a walkman playing christian metal most of the time. The teacher wasn't too happy about that but John felt it was important to raise his son properly, introducing good music at an early age.