warface wrote:
so aspies are on the more intellectual/alternative hip hop yea? was hoping someone would come in here and go on about lil wayne or plies
Yeah, that's what i'm into as well, mostly alternative hip hop stuff like De La Soul, The Pharcyde and artists on the Definitive Jux, Anticon and Rhymesayers labels. Alot of the acts on those three labels use live instrumentation (Atmosphere, Why?) , collaborate with rock artists (El-P, Aesop Rock), are fans of alternative rock (P.O.S., most of the Doomtree collective) or are indie rock/rap hybrid groups (Why?, whose most recent record alternates between They Might Be Giants/Pavement-esque indie rock and De La Soul influenced hip hop).
Oh, and Lil' Wayne's "rock album"? It's terrible.
here be dragons