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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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17 Sep 2009, 12:51 am

I wrote this while a sophomore in college. So... around three years ago now! I'm getting old! :lol:

I'm starting to realize that a lot of my writing has the theme of finding love. And, for some reason, Love is always my imaginary friend.

She bent down to pull up her long, striped socks before stepping into her brown snow boots. Casually glancing up, she smiled. “This is going to be fun.”

He smiled down at her, amused by how dramatically she put her boots on; like she was being watched by an audience rather than one person. “What’s going to be fun?” he asked, arching an eyebrow.

Quickly, she ducked her head down into the folds of her sweatshirt, pulling it down over her waist. She giggled softly. “Come on,” she said, taking his hand and pulling him giddily toward the back door. “I’ll show you!”

Together, they stepped out into the three-inch high snow that surrounded them. She looked up at him to see his reaction, smiling like a child at Christmas. He looked down at her and smiled back. Carefully, she led him by the hand down the small hills that stretched before them.

Once they were a good distance from the lights of the building, she sat and gestured for him to do the same. Clumsily, he sat beside her, stretching his legs out in front of him. She scooted close to him and leaned against his chest, pointing out at the sun as it set over the top of the mountains, painting the sky with light pinks and blues.

He laughed softly, wrapping an arm around her small body. “This is nice.”

“Yes, it is,” she replied, cuddling close to him and resting her head against him, smiling at the distorted sound of his voice coming from his chest. “I told you it would be fun.”

He nodded and collapsed back, taking her down with him. She giggled as he rubbed her back. “I’ve always wanted to do this.”

“I know you have,” he said softly, kissing her head.

“When can we?”

He wrapped his arms around her tummy and hugged her close. “As soon as you find me.”

She nodded slowly, sad to find herself sitting in her chair, staring out the sliding glass door at the untouched snow as a voice inside her repeated: “Soon…soon.”

"There's not a word yet for old friends who've just met." ~ Gonzo, 'The Muppet Movie' = my vlog


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17 Sep 2009, 7:21 am

sarbear1987 I liked that.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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17 Sep 2009, 6:35 pm

Thank you. :)

"There's not a word yet for old friends who've just met." ~ Gonzo, 'The Muppet Movie' = my vlog


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17 Sep 2009, 6:55 pm

The Phone is Off

The phone is off -- no communication
No nonsense in my ears, no drivel
No talking, no chatter, no nothing.
No SIM card -- I threw it on the fire
No alarm call -- Ding Dong the Phone is Dead!
I am free, beyond all point of reach
All hope of contact lost -- I am at peace.
I am at leisure, free of obligation
Free of pressure, free of duty
Free to see, free to think, free to breathe.

You Think

You think you know the story
You think you know the score
You think you got the wisdom
The music and the floor.
You think you got the summer
The sunset and the breeze
You think you got the house, the kids
The me down on my knees.
You think you got the know-how
You think you got the cool
You think you want the showdown
The battle and the duel.
You think you want the sports car
The limo and the jet
You think you want the high life
The slamdunk in the net!
You think you know the story
You think you know the score
You think you got the wisdom
The music and the floor.

Simon Henstock, 2009


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18 Sep 2009, 7:19 am

Split Reality
By Robert W. Caldwell

Here is the beginning of a long story. If it catches your interest then click the link at the bottom of the page for the whole story.

As Ralf enters a forbidding alley on Runnick. At the same moment his earth self, Ralph walks through the crowded hall of Riverhill High School on Earth. A few classmates yell, “Hey dogface! Arooo!” while throwing spit balls at him. Weeds grow through cracks in the pavement, and most of the buildings are rubble. Ralph enters the library while he circles around potholes and avoids piles of garbage.
Ralph sits down at a table, pulls out his biology text, and thumbs through it. As he walks, Ralf dodges creatures that lie on the pavement in contorted positions or stumble over debris.
He reads, “Carl Wang’s first successful experiment with brain modification was with mice. These mice showed a greater than average ability to solve mazes and could be easily taught complex tasks, such as pushing various sized balls through various sized holes.”
Even without a sensitive nose, Ralf would be able to smell the stink.
“With this success, he proceeded to experiment with Rabbits…”
He arrived at the Dancing Bare, the only building in decent repair.
“Ralph!” a feminine voice interrupts his reading. He looks up and recognizes Judy. Most humans would her call face pretty, red hair and blue eyes. The sweet aroma of perfume fills the air. “Do you have a pencil I can borrow?” she asks with a touch of coquettishness.
An emaciated gorch, smelling like oranges, greets him at the door. “Ump, ump, a newcomer no doud. You look like you need a Runnick admosphere! ump, ump.” The bumps on the orange and purple skin remind Ralf of wax drippings on a partly burned candle.
Trying to mask his annoyance, Ralph reaches for a binder and removes a pencil from a zip-locked plastic container within.
“Actually,” replies Ralf, “I prefer an Earth atmosphere.”
Ralph resumes reading as the girl says sweetly, “Thank you!”
“Shur, thaa is the same ding as a Runnick admosphere, ump, ump,” says the gorch, gesturing with all three of its arms.
Ralph mutters, “You’re welcome,” as he flips through the pages reading a word here and there. “…rabbits were taught simple chores…decided to try a monkey…”
“No, actually Earth has a slight bit more oxygen than Runnick.” Ralph’s Earth self takes a few sniffs as he says this. There is still a trace of perfume in the air. “You do have Earth rooms, don’t you? Other places I’ve been to have Earth rooms.”
Ralph reads “Wang’s research came to a tragic end…” He thinks to himself, “Here it is!”
“No shur, ump, we have only Runnick here.” The gorch’s umps are an involuntary hiccupping that occurs as a result of adapting its breathing orifice to speech.”
Ralph continues reading, “…when he modified the brain of a polar bear. No one knows why he chose a polar bear, although it is speculated that a polar bear was easier to modify because of its larger size…”
“Very well.”
“…He arranged for it to be stolen from the Metroplex Zoo and taken to his laboratory.”
“Ump, follow me,” The gorch took a few tottering steps.
“Investigators later found a single blood stain in the tremendously damaged laboratory.”
Ralf follows the willowy gorch past several sealed chambers, each one filled with one of the basic types of planetary atmospheres.
He reads, “The Frankensteinian creature was not seen for the next three years.”
The gorch stops at one of the doors and opens it; Ralf feels a blast of cold air.
He reads, “He made a dramatic reappearance by seizing control of KRZZ radio station and broadcasting this message:”
“Ump, The Polarbear and his gang are here,” mutters the Gorch. “Dey scare away mosd of my cusdomers. Ump, ump. I’ll shur be glad ven he leaves domarrow. Ump.”
He reads, “Call me Kaz. I am a animal, a polar bear who by chance been given capacity to reason.”
“It sure is cold!” Ralf says too loudly as he passes through the door.
He reads, “Like human. I have become aware of the sufferings of animals at the hands of humans.”
A deep graggly voice booms out, “Because that’s how I like it. If you don’t, I’ll kill you.”
He turns around. A momentary shudder causes him to pause in his reading. He lets the earth self shudder and forces his Runnick self to maintain the appearance of calm.
The Polarbear stands next to a pool table, a pool cue resting incongruously in his enormous paws. A cigar hangs out of his mouth.
Ralph forces himself to continue reading, “”Who torture animals, eat animals, make them his slaves.”
The Polarbear stands bent over because of the low ceiling.
Ralph reads, “Even the ones they love as so-called pets they merely treat to a subtle cruelty.”
The Polarbear’s tangled fur looks orange in the dim light. A white dome protrudes from the top of his head.
Ralph reads, “I will liberate animals. We now have power!”
A strong odor of tabacco wafts from the giant.
Ralph puts away his biology book and replaces it with a lap top.
“Oh, I like the cold,” mutters Ralf, “I was merely expressing my pleasure over the unexpected luxury.”
He opens the folder with his classmates stories from creative writing class.
The Polarbear grunts and proceeds to make his shot, which is uncannily accurate for such a clumsy looking beast.
The first poem he reads is called Cross Pursuit.
Ralf goes to the bar, sits down next to a cracked aquarium which runs the length of the room, and orders a beer.
“The growling bear prowling through the forest/ has dinner on his mind/ Dinner on his mind”
“Okay, pay up!” growls The Polarbear to his opponent, the other creatures back away forming a wide circle around the two.
“The prowling bear obsessed with hunger/ His penetrating hunger”
“What are you doing here?” the alien thought enters Ralf’s head. He looks about, but nobody is talking to him.
“But the hunter pursues the prowling bear/ Pursues the prowling bear”
“Gulp, Here’r t-two sonats,” stammers a tough looking Runnick man. “Th-that’s all I got right now Kaz. I’ll –l pay y-you in t-two days. I-I-I pr-promise.”
“The hungry hunter pursues the prowling bear/ His stomach growling with hunger”
“You shouldn’t be here,” the alien thought enters Ralf’s mind again, “You’ve got yourself in a Hell of a lot of trouble.” Ralf looks around again. He had heard about creatures who communicate with telepathy.
“That’s a stupid poem,” Ralph thinks to himself.
He looks over at the aquarium and sees a purple invertebrate with long tentacles among the other aquatic customers; somehow he knows that the thoughts are coming from it.
“Ha, ha, ha. I trust you,” says The Polarbear with a disconcerting laugh. “I know you will.”
Suddenly The Polarbear swipes a paw against the man and mauls him to shreds. He then proceeds to eat him piece by bloody piece. Ralf turns away fighting back nausea and stares at the slug-like creature doing something strange on the stage which Ralf finds no less sickening.
The bar tender whispers to him confidentially, “And he was the best pool player on Runnick.”
Ralph’s Earth self suddenly bolts out of the library and runs to his car.
Ralf gulps down his beer and asks for a refill, almost immediately he hears what he was hoping not to.
“Hey you, the one who loves the cold so much, yur gonna play a game of pool with me.” Ralf breaks out into a sweat.


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10 Oct 2009, 1:45 am

Whoa, that was very interesting. I'll have to look at that.


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11 Oct 2009, 8:44 pm

Damn this is long.... Sorry about that...


She began to see life as a circus, very early on. Strange noises often woke her from a half embraced sleep and made her add her own pitter patter footsteps to the melody that filled the walls of her giant, striped tent from hell. Some nights a ring master bellowed from below and other nights the animals and clowns simply roared and fussed. This night there seemed to be a mishap with the geek. She wondered what the crazy old woman had forced down her gullet that night to force such strange sounds from her trailer. Little sister had to go see. She always had to go see.
Past the distorted mirror she made her way to the door, stopping only for a moment to see the back side of the bearded lady. So beautiful from behind… The way she stood in the silent of the night, slowly brushing the length of her chestnut brown hair, always managed to captivate Angela. One long, painfully slow brush stroke after another, making her hair fall and shine. Never speaking, the bearded woman was a siren in her own right, song or none. Angela longed to reach out and touch her, but never would. Always there was lingering fear that the woman was not real at all, simply some mind’s concoction of beauty to diminish the ugliness of that place. The fear that her hand would go right through the woman if she dared to touch, forced her to continually sneak past her, breath held, praying for complete silence to never disturb the illusion.
The distraction of imaginary beauty gave way to the ugliness of reality. Into the door, two small feet carried a mind and body immediately set out on the task to evaluate the situation. Two small eyes scanned the twenty watt darkness and seemed to see no standing bodies, no objects partially ingested, no animal parts strewn about, no blood or other such body fluids that would drive a hygrophiliac or a coprophiliac mad… An overhead light hung lazily in the wall length closet and gave off a high pitched hum of electric death. The yellow flickered from behind slats in the door and gave the illusion of sideways prison cell bars, which were only more than fitting and appropriate.
Dirty, forest green carpet that might have once not looked commercial grade, lay flat beneath her feet as she moved towards the bed. Coming up along one side of the giant sleeping throne equipped with a head board of bronze columns, Angela brushed against the sand washed walls of smoke stained once white. The walls always brought her mind to bears in the wild, scratching their backs against trees. Had their circus housed bears, the geek’s chambers would have been a fine scratching ground for the animals. She dragged her small hand, as always, along the sharp, rough walls while making her way to the geeks whimpering head.
Perhaps it was the drive behind the curiosity or just becoming accustomed to smells over time, but for whatever reason, the child had failed to notice the nasal assault of the flood of emptied stomach contents which the geek released upon her and promised to drown the bed in. Vomit, fecal liquid, urine, blood, sweat and tears all ran together and painted a picture of understanding that something had gone terribly wrong. That picture was spot lighted in a morbid way from the dying light that made Angela think again how fitting and appropriate it was. She loved that light and hated it at the same time, always had and always would.
Climbing up onto the giant throne was much like climbing a mountain for the child, only to reach the summit and find a monster. Angela had never been afraid of monsters. Life had shown her that even the biggest of scaries could feel fear themselves and on more than one occasion, Angela had found herself playing scary to the scaries.

The Geek
“Inoaktaris inmudeelsare inclaynoneare’. That became her mantra. Just keep saying that and it will keep 1942 away. Just keep saying that and it will keep 1947 away. The stairs will be forced away. Pink eye will be forced away. Fear will be forced away. But as the circular cycle of repetition lived on, so did the mingling of past, present, future and chant. All worlds, times and realms bled into one as the geek laid crying and dying on her throne.
Eleven months separated her from her first younger brother. For one month each year they were the same age and as young children, they grew to not only delight this but exploit the oddness of their proximity in age. They would bet people a phosphate that they could not guess their age. The adults who humored them in their game would sport giant smiles and protest first before demanding that they must be twins. Not a farfetched guess given the history of twins and triplets in their family tree. But everyone in their small home town knew they were not twins. Furthermore, the humoring adults knew how old they were and that their mother was a fool for not only having one child so soon after marriage, but two back to back. “Catholics” they would mutter under their breath. The town knew these children lived in their mother’s parent’s home along with about twenty other children and their children. The children never knew until later that the adults bought them treats for the bet out of pity.
The geek hated her mother early on. It started when her brother grew to about eight months of age in her mother’s womb. The geek remembered being an infant, just learning to stand comfortably on her own two feet, in her grandparent’s home. There was a steep staircase set in the dark that accompanies the lack of electricity. From the top of the stairs, she believed that the steps went on forever. They terrified her. Her mother was cranky as most very pregnant women are and found she could not manage the stairs and carry her daughter at the same time. Each morning, when they woke from the night’s sleep, they walked to the stairs and mother would look at child and tell her that she had to grow up and be big now and walk on her own. The geek would protest by crying and her mother would sharply scold her and tell her to walk as she left her daughter behind in the dark to cry alone.
Perhaps harsh, but her mother was nothing if she was not harsh. There was not a word for bi polar or post traumatic stress disorder in the forties. Her mother was nearly insane and the poverty coupled with the birth of child after child did nothing to better her disposition. It also helped none that the geek was frail and sickly as a child, not strong and hearty like her mother. As the oldest daughter, the geek had a standard that she failed to live up to.
When the geek was five, she got pink eye. They shut her up and shut her off to her parent’s bedroom. She lay there for what seemed an eternity while her vision grew worse and worse. The only light that forced its way through to her screaming eyes seeped in through holes worn through the ancient curtains that hung lazily in the room. Through each tiny hole a beam of light shot through and attacked her. Each hole brought agony and pain and injury. She lay alone and cried as her mother had other things to tend to. She hated those holes, that light, and her mother for leaving her alone to die.
“Inoaktaris…” she spoke without speaking. Surely her mouth said this; it had to be saying this.
Cold flooded in and static attacked her head as she felt she was spinning on a giant ferris wheel in her bed. She wondered if she was suffering some kind of seizure as she felt her body convulsing. Suddenly she was aware that she was seeing her surroundings through closed eyes. “…inmudeelsare...” She knew that she had to keep speaking in order to keep breathing, but for a moment she wondered if she was breathing. Must not think that way, cannot think that way, “…inclaynoneare…”.
The ferris wheel took her around in another giant circle and the mantra rang on. The cold ran through her body in waves of needle like frozen rain and soaked her. Somewhere in the non reality of that moment in her life, a sound from outside her head promised to bring her back to linear life. She had a body and she was in it. She had a bed and she was in it. She had a room and someone else was in it with her. “Mom?” surely she spoke that, she had to have spoken that. It could not be her mother though, something registered in her head that her mother had passed on years ago. “Who is here? Is that you Jean? Something is wrong, Jean. Call an ambulance for me, Jean, something has gone wrong and I need help.”

By all rights, the things that Angela did were impressive. The trouble was that in a family of freaks, out of the ordinary acts were nothing. Sure, she could ride a unicycle across a tiny rope from a million miles up. Sure, she could juggle whatever you threw to her while she rode. The audience expects perfection and there is always someone around who will up stage you in a second. Angela never thought what she did was all that impressive. Growing up like that, you simply do what you have to do and lah dee dah. It was not until much later in her life when she tried to walk among normal people that she ever stopped to consider how abnormal her life was or how crazy the real world was. But throughout her years, she never lost her ability to perform the most amazing of balancing acts, both of the physical, up in the air sort, and the kind that is all about maintaining some illusion of perfection in the middle of the surreal imperfections of her existence. The geek taught her that.
Atop the mountain, in the middle of the tent striped lights that exploded outward from the closet, Angela rearranged the only dry pillow so that she might have a sanitary place to sit beside the geek. She leaned back into the headboard, which was only a board in definition. Bronze columns jutted up from somewhere behind the bed and rose up towards the sky. The child regarded her reflection in the columns as she had a million times before. The roundness distorted her face and made her think that they ought to have these things in the funhouse. The funhouse was not fun. It was a scary place and the bronze columns would fit in nicely. She had always believed that the reflection that smiled back was not her own. She concocted a story about them being a window to the alternate reality or someplace where ghouls played and that the other girl on the other side was smiling at her, waiting to pull her in and never let her go. There were nights that she prayed uselessly and stupidly for that girl to do just that.
Shaking of the creeps that the bronze mirror threw up and out at her, she redirected her attention to the geek. Turning her head to the side, she regarded the woman and saw her eyes blinking rapidly, pushing out some whitish goop. The geek’s lips were quivering and drool mixed with yellow stuff dripped and flowed from the corner of her mouth in thick strands and watery drops. Her eyes traveled down the woman’s body. Her heart was beating visibly through her nightshirt which was quite stuck to her body. Her breath was irregular, but it was there. Angela extended a finger to poke the geek in the forehead, trying to assess how terrible it would be to have to touch the woman. It felt like play dough on top of skull. She wiped her finger on the pillow only to return her hand and press her palm to the geek’s clammy head. Cold. She needs a medic. This is worse than normal. She will not get over this one on her own.
The geek began to murmur louder and it startled Angela. Had she jumped back any father, she would have fallen right off the bed. Instead, her head collided with the headboard and produced a gong sound that seemed to, in return, startle the geek.
“Mom” the geek asked. Angela kind of snorted at that comment. “No. Your mother is dead…”
“Jean” the geek asked. Angela rubbed her head and responded, “No. It’s me, Ang. I’m going to go and call you an ambulance, okay? Something has gone wrong and you need help.”
Turning from the geek and climbing back down the throne, Angela was immediately assaulted by the light she had been ignoring. Her small feet carried her along the rough wall that her hand had to touch. Her small feet carried out quickly past the bearded woman who may or may not have been real and back into her own chambers where the only phone around there lived. Static met her while she fussed with the cord to make it connect. Dial tone present, she dialed 911 and when prompted to discuss what emergency she might be having, the child said that she was not sure, but someone needed to come quickly before a woman died. There was not much else to say. She did not know what had gone on. She made sure that the address was given and informed the operator that she was going to go back to sit with the geek until the medical men arrived. She thanked the voice on the line and hung up the crackling phone. She made her way back and rubbed her head again while thinking that things were to become very chaotic very quickly and that she ought to enjoy the stillness of it all while she still had the chance.

The Geek
The ferris wheel ride went on. It was as though the spokes ran through her body, spinning from her abdomen and out her nose only to hit her in the abdomen again. “I think my seat is wobbly, Jean” she spoke and shattered her mantra for the time being.
Through closed lids she saw her shade covered window. Light peeked through and lit it like a picture frame. She became fixated on this. It looked holy. Holiness was never a thing that the geek embraced. If you were to ask her about god, she would respond that spirituality is more important than god and church. Her mother had destroyed Christianity for her. At the grand old age of seventeen, the geek had decided that she needed to escape the hell of her mother’s home. Too many mornings of waking to hear her mother screaming and throwing pots and pans around the kitchen had convinced her that the best thing to do was to go. Too many violent attacks and verbal assaults had left her craving some kind of attention that was more than injury. Her father was no help. No matter what her mother did or said to her, the man never spoke. He was silent and gentle and busied himself with things like painting one side of the house, time and time again, so that he never had to see what was going on. In her life, the geek maybe heard five words fall from the man’s lips. She believed him to be mute until she had turned fifteen and heard him tell Lo how much he loved her when the car came and hit her.
Shortly before senior prom time, the geek met a man with a job. He played music on a radio station by day and flashed young girls in the park by night. She found that out two months into their marriage when the police came and she found herself unable to make rent or go home. Her mother found out about their secret marriage and beat her bloody before chasing her out of the house with a broom. She was ex-communicated. Abandoned by the faith that caused her to be an outcast in school, and abandoned by a family which had scarred her for life, she found herself alone and lost for what to do. A man at the radio station offered to help her, but when his help came with strings attached, she ran far away, hoping to be fine and never go home again. She ran from her life, her morals and her god. The geek would soon take just about anything into her body, perhaps in some feeble attempt to feel whole.
The light surrounded the focus of all. Within the comforting dark of the center, she believed that she saw god. Varying shades of black swirled together and formed an outline of a face, which gave way to eyes, then a mouth and finally a nose. It must be god. It has to be god. The face seemed to be coming forward to her, stretching up off the dark center and closer to where she was. “Are you coming to take me to hell?” she asked. She searched for an answer, but none was to come. The face would come so close she could nearly see inside the mouth which was slightly open, only to pull back away from her, keeping whatever it might have said to itself. Just out of reach. Always out of reach. “I do not want you now”

Ambulance calling was nothing new. Emergencies were nothing new. By this time, she had already grown to hate the medical men. They would come bursting through the door and the sudden burst of whirlwind activity left her head spinning every time. She saw them as military men coming in to take over a situation in need of immediate quarantine. She resented them. They just shoved you out of the way and dismissed you like you were nothing more than some stupid thing in their way. Had she not deemed them absolutely necessary, she would have just tended to the situation on her own…again. Sitting on the pillow, waiting, glaring at the closet, her anger turned towards the geek’s husband. He had been there at some point during the night and he had gone as well. The closet light always came on when he left. He never turned the over head light on to pack, only the close light. He said he did that so as not to disturb the geeks slumber. How that noise was not disturbing was beyond Angela, but she always left it that way, perhaps to fuel her own upset.
She thought he should be the one here dealing with this. He should have not gone. Angela was often annoyed that being the youngest in the middle of this, she seemed to be the only adult. No one else took care of things and tended to people and made things right. The selfish needs of the selves of others compelled them to do as they would with no regard for anything else. The geek was included in this train of thought. She was not thinking of all that needed to be done the next day or how her actions might put a giant wrench in the workings of daily life. While Angela had no idea what the woman was thinking when she had done whatever it was she had done, she knew for sure that she had not taken her into consideration. Angela eyed the geek for a moment and recalled her telling a story of her second husband and how she hit him on the head with a cast iron frying pan and then freaked out thinking she had killed him. “We have a cast iron frying pan”, she mumbled.
But no. The medical men are coming. “God does not want you now” Angela said and sighed. She did not let her die so she could not go and kill her. That made no sense. Besides, if she were to be taken off to jail, who would tend to her sisters. Some sense of responsibility took up residence where compassion should have lived in the girl. While it kept her in line, it did little more than that. At the old age of nine, Angela was a cold, little woman.
Somewhere a radio sang a song instructing everybody to have fun and wang chung tonight. Angela snorted and looked to the door, waiting. The last time the medical men came, the situation was similar. She sat on the same pillow in the same bed with the same light screaming death while she dangled her legs in waiting. The time before that the geek had actually screamed for her to come quickly, she did not have to walk out of sleep and into the room with a sense of wrong. That time violent screams pulled her out of her head and ended peaceful sleep as she knew it. She just knew that if she drifted off deeply, sharp screams would wake her and waking like that was worse than anything else on earth. Before that, the ambulance call was not for the geek, rather, for the organ player. Angela was sitting on the bench with the elderly woman, eating a roll covered in thick, sweet honey, just listening to her play when the stroke hit and knocked the woman half out of herself and onto the floor. It was the nicest thing to her, the way the woman sweetly and calmly held together for her benefit. Angela could hear her, “Can you call 911 for me, darling?” The organ player had died a few years ago, shortly after the stroke. Angela missed her. She was the only adult who ever behaved like one. She fed her, put on a brave face for her, played songs for her…
But she was gone. Her little day dream of the old woman went away and the sight of the pitiful wreck of another old woman in her own filth remained. Something deep within Angela screamed. Where fear should be, another thing had moved in. In what could not have been more than two minutes, a lifetime flashed before her eyes in a series of still snapshots that had been seared on the inside of her eye lids so that every time she blinked she was forced to see what had been again and again. She could not stop the blinking and she screamed at Charlotte for this, she was the tantrum thrower not Angela, as she was assaulted by her past and present in alternating seconds only to return to the other. Waking alone and wandering the halls… Woman covered in vomit…Scrounging the cupboards for more than vodka to eat…Woman barely breathing…Having bottles come flying towards her head…Heart beat moving crusty clothes in the yellow light…Boys covered in blood…It would not end and she spun her head to the bronze column and started to demand that they take her away that she could not take anymore. She started to scream at the geek to stop it and behave and do what she was supposed to do and not be so awful. She screamed at the man who was long gone that he had no right to put her through this. She screamed at the radio and demanded someone shut it up.
In the middle of demanding death for the wang chung boys, the medical men came bursting through the door and proceeded to shove Angela to the side. The hustle and bustle of the busy, drone like men in what she fancied to be army fatigues pushed Angela’s tantrum to a quick halt. The chatter from the immediate men and the men on the other side of the world where the other walkie talkies lived, filled the space where her screams had been and left no room for any other sounds. In her oversized t-shirt, Angela backed up against the sharp wall. For a moment she moved and embraced her inner bear. The medical men used a million words she did not know and clamored about in a systematic manner that made no sense to her. It was some morbid ballet set to give chaos and impending doom praise in her mind. She wondered how one hundred men could fit in here and how the noise had not made her head explode yet.
The medic men seemed to have lights on their persons, as the room seemed brighter, though no other light turned on. Perhaps it was theatrical lighting. She was momentarily confused by this and then her head snapped to the geek, where they forced little flashlights into her face to inspect her better. Angela blinked and the geek was on a stretcher being hoisted up and away. The company in the room had gone that quickly from one hundred down to only ten. She blinked again and the stretcher with the geek was gone and only one man remained. She cocked her head to the side and looked up at him suspiciously. He asked her if there was someone there to look after her. She bit on her tongue to ensure that she would not ask him if he was ‘f*****g serious’. She politely let the man with a kind face know that she was not alone and that she would be fine. He returned the suspicious glance and hurried off. Angela watched his backside as he left and snorted about how stupid adults were. Well, maybe not stupid, just too busy living their own lives to think anything might be wrong when a child behaves well.
She pitter pattered her way back into her room and took off her shirt. It was one of those horrible air port shirts that the geek’s husband had brought her from one of his stupid trips. This one sported the Eiffel Tower and beside it the word, Paris. Under the tower was a beautiful little coliseum beside the word, Rome. Under Rome was Big Ben and London. Under that were a sickly cactus and the word, Scottsdale. She sat in her underwear on the cold floor and ripped the shirt into one hundred pieces.


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14 Oct 2009, 11:44 am

Just some poem type things I wrote:

To "The Others"

i make you uncomfortable
you make me wonder why
i make you get head rushed
you make me born to fly
every word that you wince at and don't understand
every thought that you miss at and block with your hand
i don't wonder about you I know what to do
i'll be post-incognito create something new
i have moments to savior and answers to seek
i have mantras to alter and wisdom to speak
you don't see it or feel it or strive to transcend
to a higher spaced wire laced thrive for a bend
in this counter forced system of quotes to invent
and this resident thought crime that doesn't pay rent
you say what you say stop you say no you behave like a slave to your own sorrow memes that i won't borrow please release this piece of mind it plays a game of fast rewind
you say what are you talking about
i say why are you walking with doubt
don't you want to come on over and play with us?

friends in corners

take it to a whole new level gonna make it gonna take it feel your secret waves of thought connect to friends in corners they get it gonna make this gonna create this can you feel this where were you when it all came down did you realize it was just my idea of an inside joke they get it take it to a whole new level understand you wear a mask like all the rest but can't survive this social set alone you walk to guide us to unite this isn't real this isn't fake take it to a whole new level see the candy man without his treats he needs a drink he needs a toke he needs a smoke you got some coke we won't allow this train of thought its tracks are used cliched and bought and sold to highest bidders competition plays like tennis balls we're gonna make it gonna take it take it to a whole new level this wasn't meant for you to see this wasn't meant for you to know but man those cretins must let go your secret waves of thought connect to friends you say but we just met this isn't real this isn't fake we choose to choose to be this way but what is this and what is that and what is sane and what are we and who are they and can you see this did you hear that song about that song about that song about my cousin cause she told me you were just a test she passed you long ago she sits in corners with her friends and laughs at those like you she gets it they get it take it to a whole new level now the roles have been reversed cause all your lines she just rehearsed she's been there gonna make it gonna take it feel it fake it break it why are you sad don't you see she once was you and don't you see you get it and you'll get there and you'll find it and you'll taste it feel it break it remake it forsake it awake it dreams you into codes but can you feel it can you see it can you take it take it to a whole new level feel your secret waves of thought connect to friends in corners now you see and now you know and now you get it they get it


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14 Oct 2009, 2:00 pm

"we won't allow this train of thought its tracks are used cliched and bought and sold to highest bidders"

While I enjoyed the whole of what you wrote, Haywire, that part there... I really like.


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24 Oct 2009, 6:16 pm

Yes, I'm still alive.


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27 Oct 2009, 4:10 am

Thanks dossa! I really like your writing too.


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05 Nov 2009, 9:38 pm

I exist in a place where words have no prison.
Where thoughts are freely given.
I am alive in the dark.
I am dangerous without effort.
Wall to wall extremes of the heights and the depths.
I am not human above any other.
There is no life, only chemical reactions responding to each other.
Standing so brightly on the rigid edge,
sun glare in my eyes and squinting.
Something washed over me.
If we were smart,
we would not stand on the edge
or dive within,
but stand on the cliff absorbing.
My skin.
My question.
My answers.
I don't get.
I am in my head, but I don't own it.
And when I speak, I flex
and the motion is smooth but not unbothered by itself.
And belonging to whom?
Alright just yet?
I stand behind no emotion.
Stand beside every thought,
stand in front of every love &
fear only myself.
Being listlessly lost in my whimsical, serendipitous life
with "tempting flavors of green apples and peaches and hints of honey and vanilla which enhance the rich, buttery finish"
and presents life in a dreamy, often melancholic gaze of struggle, hardship and play.

{Don't plagiarize

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22 Nov 2009, 11:48 am


We were in Darby. On the corner of Main Street and Chicken Hill. I was wearing my brand new leopard skin pillbox hat that I just bought from the Moonies for two dollars and fifty cents. A real bargain. I was feelin’ good because I like bargains and was having an excellent hair day. We were debating, me and Lautrec, whether we should walk up the hill to visit my Uncle Richard. Have a cup of Early Grey and a few tea biscuits. The crispy ones with the chocolate filling that he keeps in a Currier & Ives tin. I caught a glimpse of my reflection in the window of Bennett’s Men’s Wear and tilted my hat a little more to the side. Woohoo! Everything was just right. I put on my cobalt glasses. Lautrec said, “Oh no.” I asked him what he meant by that. He said, “I don’t mind if you wear the hat, and I don’t mind if you wear the glasses, but please, baby please, don’t wear the hat and the glasses at the same time." Can you imagine the nerve?

Uncle Richard was feeling poorly. It took him forever to open the door. We started singing. “Open the dooooooooor Richard. Open the dooooooooor Richard. Open the dooooooooor Richard. Open that door and let us in.” He was glad to see us. Nobody ever went to visit him. He had a bad case of Tourette’s with coprolalia and a lot of arm thrusting, neck wrenching, shoulder shrugging and kung fu kicking. Come to find out, the reason Uncle Richard was feeling so poorly was because his girlfriend Minnie left him for another man, which in and of itself would be reason enough, but the other man was a “ no-good mother effin (thrust thrust shrug thrust) pin head punk from the ( wrench wrench thrust kick kick) side show.” A human pin cushion who could stick knitting needles through his body parts with out even batting an eyelash. Funny what some women are attracted to. And, if that wasn’t bad enough, this no-good punk not only stole his woman, but his Gucci black crocodile loafers that he bought from the Moonies, his stereo that he bought from the Moonies, and his entire record collection that he bought from the Moonies. “Can you (thrust shrug shrug) believe it? Can (shrug wrench) you believe (kick kick) it? That a (shrug shrug thrust) man would stoop (kick kick) so low?”

I put the tea kettle on and washed the dishes that were piled up in the sink. Lautrec and Uncle Richard talked about deep sea fishing. Lautrec lived and breathed for fishing. Uncle Richard loved it too but his Tourette’s made it next to impossible for him to hold a rod steady. Lautrec took Uncle Richard with him once on one of those party boats out of Barnegat Light. It turned out to be a disaster. A fight broke out because Uncle Richard’s tics were disrupting the other fishermen and a couple of them thought he was kicking them on purpose. Then he started with the coprolalia and all hell broke loose. Lautrec got his nose broken. Uncle Richard got a big gash on his chin, a black eye and two busted ribs.

I checked out my reflection in the lid of the frying pan. The curved surface made me look distorted. I moved my head to and fro and from side to side to get a truer image. Lautrec said, “What the hell are you doing?”

“Just checkin’ out my new hat,” I said. “How do you like it, Uncle Richard?”

“It’s (wrench wrench wrench) effin (thrust shrug shrug) ridiculous.”

I poured the tea. “Where ya hidin’ the biscuits, Uncle Richard?”

“The (kick thrust thrust kick) Ho an’ (wrench wrench wrench) her lover (shrug shrug shrug shrug) boy (kick kick) took ‘em. (shrug wrench shrug).

"Ho Ho Ho,” said Lautrec.

At that moment I was suddenly seized with an overwhelming sense of loathing for both of them.

I put on my cobalt glasses.

(edited 3x to correct spelling and grammer)

Last edited by cosmiccat on 22 Nov 2009, 12:05 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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22 Nov 2009, 11:55 am

Beautiful piece of writing, MisanthropicMe. I especially like:

Standing so brightly on the rigid edge,
sun glare in my eyes and squinting.
Something washed over me.
If we were smart,
we would not stand on the edge
or dive within,
but stand on the cliff absorbing.


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23 Nov 2009, 9:21 am

By William

Old snow clings in shadows, no wind can blow it away, no rain can wash it away, no sunlight can thaw it. Old snow sticks in my soul, signs of a past that wasn't -- A fun day laughing with a girl, long brown hair waiving in wind, sparkling orbs.
You say you'11 call, but you don't. Always busy. Your charms draw this man in, but always "I'm too busy," slowly spoils things so i pull away, though with difficulty. My cat is still good company. Four walls surround this man, four brick walls. Dull and dull. Nothing to do but to watch birds fly.
Ha ha ha groups may laugh, but not i. Groups may know what happy is, but not i. Birds still sing. Humans still swallow food. Dogs still bark. Cats still purr and nap a lot. Rain pours down, pouring though sky has no clouds.
i long to know who i long for. i long to actually start an affair, not to hit rocks and finish without so much as a start.

Traffic lights blinking, inch along, start stop, halting on go, Humans running fast on caution flash -- Girls in slips display, bright signs say. A talk show host rants with Rob from Buckwood. Rob finds racism in all clouds...

As i walk in morning mist with tranquil thoughts, sugarly do hands of clock slip by. Happy souls go day to day, violins playing. A sound, a call, a longing. A path i should follow. A finish. A part missing that i cannot find this hour, but i must always look for it.
This pursuit is a harsh paramour. What vast amount I grant, such substantial pain i must stand. Most pain i know in this world is from my pursuit of this vision, a path of rain and hail, slings and arrows, why i still follow it i do not know.
All humans first to walk in starlight. All also first to long. All carry a cross.
i wish to just shut off alarm in morning and stay on soft pillow always with a purring cat, but up i must go, through rain and hail, till i find that shack of final tranquility.

King in a trap, always king in a trap, pawn caught and rook caught, a unicorn knight falls. King now is solitary with all world against him. I scan history of South’s top ranking military man capitulating to Union army, four autumns blown away, all was lost.
What visions lost among rows of slain warriors? What offspring unborn? What songs not writ?
All my autumns of strain also amount to nothing. King in a prison. At uno point, all was good. Fight looks as though it is won. But it slowly flows away. i still think i can win, but rapidly i'm sunk and king is in a trap with no sympathy.
But what if, miraculously, a big cavalry swarms in, and fights to pull king out of bad straits, now victors running away, and infantry falling in windrows. Diabolical guys who had won now in a trap languishing in continuous purgatory. But alas, 'tis but a vision.
But if all is bad you can still find girls who will unclad at strip bars, dropping bras and skirts for pay. Standing in front of you, amazing you can look at all of a girl. It's odd, you can talk as if passing at a mall. Just a slight touch as a girl sways in front of this man and i must fight back a longing.
Kim won't strip, Kara won't strip, and Andria won't strip. All of us would stay happy if stripping was normal. i would strip! Diabolical guys could not walk or talk in such a world.
But alas! Still king is in his trap.

Wash, wash, wash, i wish no washing again! Ironing too is a pain. Vacuuming also, and dish washing! i'm just too lazy. i put it off as long as i can, so that it is astronomically hard on day of doing. Stacks of dirty laundry, stacks of wrinkly shirts, mounds of dust, columns of pots and pans. mind drifts.
It would go so nifty for us to go into my cabin and kiss. You'd look good by flaming logs. It would go so nifty, with you as an oasis, violins playing.
Dinosaurs and Fluffy toys. Civil War tin scouts confront a tyrannosaurus. Fuzzy bruins on right flank, G.I. Jims on far flank, casting warm fuzzy balls at a nasty dinosaur. That tyrannosaurus starts to waltz and sing. All fuzzy bruins, Civil War tin scouts, and G.I. Jims join in waltzing and singing. All know words, and all know right footwork. But tyrannosaurus turns nasty again and attacks. But a fuzzy bruin, knowing that it's only hungry, throws it a ham sandwich, causing dinosaur to calm down. It gulps last of sandwich and starts dancing again. Two apatasaurs join it.

Darwin wasn't right, this is sum of natural winnowing? To flip ground cow disk at a fast food joint. Dolphins laugh at us for staying on dry land. Cats and dogs lazily nap in civilization built by us.

A ship without an anchor, adrift. Parts of your soul pop out of hiding. Your plans a spinning compass arrow. My want. For us to talk, to build a soil in which to flourish. A Gorgon lurks within. A bright orb almost cloaks it, but that shadowy horror grows bold, looming up again and again, till a girl i did fancy grows fangs and stabs this man.

So many incarnations, a day so ordinary, six to two a habitual round, all companions similar as a day ago. i toil in a prison, longing for an upgrading; i stir upon a particular morning, and find that all has withstood a transformation.
i am now toiling in a variant prison, and still longing for an upgrading. On a day i am at a food grill. A passing and i am at a toy domain. And i also try to call to mind which cat did what silly thing, and who said what on which long ago day?
i did study among monks of most high knowing, to pass into an occupation of utmost passion. Now i walk among common humans, my dormant study is puzzling to most souls if i talk of it.

By odd situation i spy an old infatuation at a mall. A girl who acts as if last parting was only days ago, not 365 plus. Odd, i now do not find that Girl so charming who says, "I'll call you," but still will not.


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28 Nov 2009, 11:42 pm

Recluse, recluse, recluse
I hear of safety in that word,
So I set my sail, haul up below
There's now a new found use
In your paradigm to show:

I would love to hide away
If the world shall chase me, too,
I would love to hear about it
In the echoes of the truth
I can nought but think about it
In the annuls of my hearth,
I can nought but dream about it
In my current flowing path

For, how I have directions wrong;
so inner navigation too;
Surprising is the map found
in the garbage grand that mother threw
Surprising is the map found
Under yesterday's forgotten news;
A memory of childhood used
to be (finally) a new grown fruit

A circuit and its circuitry -
final workings, out at sea :
rewire the hull, for
a harvest unsaid,
could turn out when the bow
turns to flatter ahead,
flatter ahead -
the seas have all calmed -
we've rewired the circuits,
reset the broke arm

so aforementioned harvest
unsaid will turn out -
be safe all out there -
on its lonesome, no doubt
while i'm safe in the workings
no musings of men
will command the stormed sea
nor command me again