Cindy wrote:
Am I the only one here who enjoys purely instrumental music?
I am big into intsrumental music. It is a rare song where the lyrics and singing are a plus to me... and if I enjoy the lyrics and vocals they have to be a fair bit quirky.
One thing I hate about most lyric music is that the lyrics get in the way of the actual notes, and I can't follow the instruments as easily. And then many of these songs when I do follow the actual song, its really nothing that I enjoy. The lyrics are just a distraction to me.
Not saying all lyrics are bad though, sometimes lyrics really add to a song... and when it does the song is better for it... if the lyrics and song work as one to present an idea. But I'd say nearly 7/8ths of all songs I have heard with lyrics is annoying to me.
Most of the music I have recently purchased is instrumental rock. Its hard to find really good rockin instrumental music though, most bands seem to think they need a vocalist... which is probably true... since intsrumental music rarely gets noticed and becomes popular.