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15 May 2012, 5:26 pm

Finalized profile for a character I've thought about for a long time now:
Name: Ouggiri
Age: 25
Home Country: The Kingdom of Tanehsu
Occupation: Princess (with Queenly ambitions)
Equipment: Bronze spear and dagger
Personality: Ouggiri is a compassionate and brave woman who believes in nurturing and protecting her people as if they were her own children. However, as might be expected for a princess, she has an arrogant and pampered attitude and doesn't take criticism very well.
Biography: Ouggiri is the daughter of King Ajala of Tanehsu. When he passed away, Ajala said his throne would pass down to her, but the politically influential Priests of the Sun elected her more conservative half-brother Nalsu into power instead. Nalsu now rules Tanehsu as a stingy tyrant, so Ouggiri has run away to the southern jungle kingdom of Yam to raise an army against him. Along the way, she meets a handsome and cocky adventurer named Godric from distant Albion, but he may be hiding something about his past from her...


I have been redesigning and renaming this character for what seems like half a year now, but I've finally gotten around to writing her story and am almost 3,000 words into it as of now.

Check out my art for sale over at Society6, dudes!


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15 May 2012, 10:46 pm

A birthday present for a friend.

Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.
- Bruce Lee


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16 May 2012, 1:38 am


If it doesn't make sense, it's probably a Team Fortress 2 reference.


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16 May 2012, 4:43 am

Warrior princess

Mad scientist :rambo:


Agnostic atheist. Hardcore determinist. Misanthrope. Objectivist. INTP.
AS: 165, NT: 44


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16 May 2012, 9:29 am

AnotherKind wrote:
Warrior princess

I dig her armor! :D

Check out my art for sale over at Society6, dudes!


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16 May 2012, 7:16 pm

A Victorian style dress in From the Earth to the Moon (1958).

Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.
- Bruce Lee

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17 May 2012, 7:27 pm

This is some weird character thing I drew a while ago:
Scanner screwed up the colors..


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17 May 2012, 8:42 pm

OtterTeej wrote:
Thought I should share this one. It's the latest strip for my webcomic "Press "Y" for Context". It's related to both Autism and Prototype 2.

Seriously, this does happen in the game. It's just the audio of a mother telling a "soldier" this, but still, heavy stuff. I took it kind of personally at first, then I realized “Oh, yeah. I get to kill those guys. A lot.” The game got that much better at that point.

Not sure why it doesn't display properly on the site, but check it on my site here:


It's true, though. Don't screw with us. :twisted:


This made my day. :D

Hi there! Please refer to me as Moss. Unable to change my username to reflect that change. Have a nice day. <3


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18 May 2012, 12:33 am

How do Australians celebrate summer vacation?

Check out my art for sale over at Society6, dudes!


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18 May 2012, 3:52 am

Oils on 24 x 16 inch canvas.


Uploaded with

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Blue Jay

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18 May 2012, 9:06 am


There Will Come Soft Rain

This artwork was inspired by Sophia Light's "Winding Down", a short story in the SCP Foundation universe. Before reading it, It is recommended to read this first for more background info

Set on a dying world which was destroyed by a virus that turn organisms into clockwork machines, this illustration took the scene where Agent Ketterson, the mostly-converted protagonist, hug his fiancee/ wife who was reduced into an automated gardener. In this succumbing last settlement in the empty Siberian tundra, she sings Sara Teasdale's poem "There will come soft rain"

'There will come soft rains and the smell of the ground,
And swallows circling with their shimmering sound;

And frogs in the pool singing at night,
And wild plum trees in tremulous white;

Robins will wear their feathery fire,
Whistling their whims on a low fence-wire;

And not one will know of the war, not one
Will care at last when it is done.

Not one would mind, neither bird nor tree,
If mankind perished utterly;
And Spring herself when she woke at dawn
Would scarcely know that we were gone.'

Originally made on a pencil draft, it was quickly abandoned as more and more deviations were made. For example, both the face and the hair were changed TWICE, cos the one in the draft just look masculine:) I actually went over-detailed on the guts due to the extreme zoom-in I used, which would be covered by the blizzard :( Without references from lines drawing, it would take a much longer time without the tablet borrowed by Owen Li. Thanks Owen:) Kinda go addicted with it, now I could no longer paint with mouse! (the face and the girl's guts were done by mouse)

I was going to put on some half-mechanized plants to hint on the virus, or the fully converted sparrow featured in both the story and poem. But eventually I just decided to kjeep it simple. Just THIS had taken me long enough:(

'The Greenhouse, soft and vibrant, went silent; until Marie bent over the dirt once again.
The tears were gone, in an endless loop.
The world outside was wide and cold.

“There will come soft rains, and the smell of the ground…” '


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18 May 2012, 12:02 pm


Why is it every time I try to post a picture the image gets f****d up?


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18 May 2012, 2:39 pm

^^ Dunno - post just the image URL you tried, without the "img" tags, and let's have a look. :wink:

Giraffe: a ruminant with a view.


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19 May 2012, 7:04 am

@EnglishJess: I like your drawings! Much better than what I can do(it doesn't sound like much when I say that because I can't even draw trees right, but I am complementing your art :) )

You must sleep now, Uncle Sempi!
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19 May 2012, 4:26 pm ... omfort.jpg

NSFW: I wouldn't exactly call it adult content but there is a mature theme to it. I've put this warning in, but if I'm still not allowed to post it then just delete it.

Please, if you are a female don't PM, IM or contact me in anyway. This isn't a joke, I've just simply had enough of all of you.


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19 May 2012, 4:38 pm

Meh - it seems Ok to me.

Giraffe: a ruminant with a view.