Aperture wrote:
marshall wrote:
The "stoner" genre label annoys me. Makes it sound as if someone has to be high to find such music enjoyable. Whatever.
Yes, that's kind of an issue I have with "psychedelic" music/culture in general. I know that psychedelic drugs have obviously been an influence on this kind of culture, but I actually don't do any drugs myself and take a rather dim view of them (although I will admit to a small amount of "experimentation" as a teenager or whatever). I don't judge other people, though, for what they choose to do in their personal lives. I figure if Frank Zappa could play the kind of music he played and not be into drugs, then there's no inherent problem in my liking psychedelic music.
Creating sonic art to induce some kind of odd, unique, or exciting emotional experience through the senses requires a lot more effort than just injecting some simple chemical into your brain.
"stoner" sounds like a pejorative label that was later embraced, similar to how "punk", "grunge", and "shoegaze" came into being. Still, "stoner" somehow seems to come across as more dismissive than the other labels to me. This is probably due to our societies low view of the "pot head" stereotype.