Sweetleaf wrote:
I still consider myself a metalhead, only problem is I can't seem to find many other metal heads. But yeah I am mostly into the more oldschool metal though I do enjoy a lot of more extreme metal as well. Unfortunatly even though psychedelic rock still exists most people think it is dead......but there's lots of newer psychedelic rock bands.
Maybe try hanging out at some local metal shows or something. I met most of my metalhead friends through the internet or from going to shows where local metal bands are playing. It seems like old music is usually the best kind of music regardless of genre.
There are many types of psychedelic rock too. I consider Jimi Hendrix to be psychedelic rock, and everyone and their mom loves Jimi Hendrix to this day. I suppose it would have to do with the kind of psych rock you are talking about. The really trippy spaced out psych rock where they use a lot of special effects I could see being hard to get into. My friends once called that kind of music an acquired taste. I agree with him on that. I think when it comes down to just wailing out on the guitar in a psychedelic fashion, that will never die, but perhaps the more out there psych rock will reach mostly true psych lovers.
Don't you mind people grinnin' in your face