There are plenty of books I've given up on and not even finished. Most of them would be hard to remember unless I came across them again. The ones I do:
John Donner: Døde menn skyt ikkje (zzzz)
In junior high I tried to read Shakespeare's "The Tempest" and "Romeo and Juliet", and had to give up on both of them. They were both terribly boring and the old fashioned language was nearly impossible for me to read.
Same time:
Knut Hamsun: Victoria (boring story, boringly written). I had to read it for school, and somehow I managed to get through it, but boy it was boring!
In high school we had to read "Of mice and men" for English. It was so boring I couldn't get through more than a few pages. I started skimming it, then skipped pages looking for some excitement. None was to be found. I never read more than the first couple of pages, it was so dull I kept rereading sentences and I still didn't know what they said (a problem I had with many textbooks as well). The teacher allowed us to watch the movie a bit later, it was so boring I actually fell asleep.
I somehow managed to get through one of Christopher Gillberg's AS books. It wasn't boring but I was so provoked by the way he described AS and aspies. It was one of the most condescending reads I ever did. By the end of it I felt it was a wonder I was able to do anything besides sitting in a corner and drool.
Stephen King: "Needful things". Gad what a bore. Even worse since I expect so much more from King. I wasn't impressed by Cujo either. It should have been a short story if he had to write it at all.
Anne Rice: "Interview with the vampire". Snore. I wasn't able to read it through, so I watched the movie instead when it was aired, yawning my jaws off.
There have been many more, but their titles have been lost over the years. I'm very into fiction but I'm also very particular.
cathylynn wrote:
rosemary's baby
What was wrong with it? I saw the movie and thought it was boring, but I had hoped the book might have been better, since I liked the over all idea.
lostonearth35 wrote:
If I find a book really bad I usually stop reading because it's like trying to sit through really bad music or a bad movie. I just can't do it. It can be even hard for me to finish a good book because I can't focus, my mind keeps wandering or something mentioned in the book reminds of something else.
That happens to me a lot too.