Veresae wrote:
MissPickwickian wrote:
Veresae wrote:
Maus, a graphic novel.
Of Mice And Men.
Mice really get to you, huh?
Bwahah. Coincidence, I think, but I did use to have pet mice.
Sorry you didn't like Maus...I wouldn't call the father completely mature though. I don't know if you read Maus II, but in it there's a very ironic scene where old Vladek is shown to be racist against African Americans despite being a victim of the holocost.
I hate to say bad things about someone's favorite writer. It's a personal taste thing. I am of the opinion that Holocaust stories possess a bleak purity that should not be disturbed by postmodern anything, especially weird animal allegories. That's why Speigelman, Thomas Pynchon, and Johnathan Safran Foer drove me crazy with their bizarre, purpose-defeating, holokitschy, hyper-ironic postmodernism (sorry for the strong words). Maus could have been great, but Speigelman went about it in the wrong way.
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