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05 Sep 2012, 9:00 pm

I love the band and I really like this interpretation pic Brandon!


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06 Sep 2012, 8:45 am

This is my rendition of the portrait of a Darkspawn from Dragon Age Origins.



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06 Sep 2012, 2:53 pm

Sugestiong: Draw skyrim stuff!

Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.
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06 Sep 2012, 2:58 pm

Titangeek wrote:
Sugestiong: Draw skyrim stuff!

I like the way you misspelled that word.


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06 Sep 2012, 3:00 pm

Uprising wrote:
Titangeek wrote:
Sugestiong: Draw skyrim stuff!

I like the way you misspelled that word.


Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.
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06 Sep 2012, 4:34 pm

My latest special interest is bats, so I have decided to draw my favorite movie/TV characters in bat form. First up is Barnabas Collins from Tim Burton's Dark Shadows. I decided to draw him first because he is a vampire. Instead of using colored pencils, this time I have decided to do a digital piece. I used a free art program called MyPaint. I am extremely happy with the results. :)



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06 Sep 2012, 6:40 pm

I like the highlights on his hair. However, I generally don't like drawing digitally; I much prefer to draw with a pencil and reserve the digital stuff for coloring.

At first this looks like yet another African queen concept, but this time I've put more thought into her culture and design than her predecessors. She is the theocratic matriarch of a civilization which worships the Sun as their singular deity. As her title "Daughter of the Sun" implies, she is considered the Sun's earthly descendent who will reunite with her "Mother" after she passes away. Among the Daughter of the Sun's most important responsibilities is to summon the rains season every year, but in addition to her spiritual and political role she also leads the warriors into battle. For this reason every future Daughter of the Sun must undergo rigorous training in the martial arts from a young age. Ideally the Daughter of the Sun rules her people with compassion and upholds justice for all her subjects.

Since the Sun People have always conceived of their deity as female, the Daughter of the Sun has traditionally been a woman's role, with her husband simply a consort who helps produce and raise her children. Although theoretically any man the Daughter fancies can marry her, in practice consorts have tended to come from the nobility or administrative bureaucracy (e.g. scribes, viziers, and high priests).

Check out my art for sale over at Society6, dudes!


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06 Sep 2012, 8:53 pm

Map for the Sun Kingdom

Few cultures appreciate the Sun's importance to life on the planet as the Sun People. To them the Sun is more than the center of their universe; She is Divinity Herself. In the Sun People's view, the Sun is the Mother of all existence, an omnipotent and omniscient goddess whose benevolence never falters. Indeed, the Sun loves her mortal children so much that she lacks the heart to punish them directly, instead leaving matters of divine discipline to her eldest son the Moon. Those faithful to the Sun merge with her into a state of eternal bliss after their bodily deaths while the Moon swallows wicked souls into his icy interior.

The Sun Kingdom's hereditary monarch, invariably a woman, calls herself Daughter of the Sun, for she claims the Sun as her ultimate ancestress. The Daughter functions as a spiritual, political, and even military leader all at once, which requires that she undergo a rigorous education and martial arts training during her youth. Among the Daughter's most important responsibilities is summoning the rains every year to water her subjects' fields (the Sun People believe that the Sun drives the hydrological cycle). At least in theory she rules her people with as much compassion as humanly possible and upholds justice for all people, rich and poor alike. Although the Daughter of the Sun may choose any man she fancies as her consort and children's caregiver, in practice most Daughters' husbands have come from the nobility, priesthood, or administrative bureaucracy.

The Sun Kingdom typically pursues a peaceful foreign policy, keeping warfare to a minimum, but the Sun People generally view foreigners outside their influence as uncouth barbarians. They pity albinos and people from lighter-skinned populations for their susceptibility to sunburn. As a product of their ethnocentrism, the Sun People see international trade as a necessary evil and prefer self-sufficiency whenever possible. Although the Kingdom is famous for its monumental architecture and advanced medicine, it persecutes any scientific research that challenges established dogma or assimilates "barbarian" influences.

Check out my art for sale over at Society6, dudes!

Last edited by BrandonSP on 06 Sep 2012, 9:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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06 Sep 2012, 9:00 pm

Titangeek wrote:
Sugestiong: Draw skyrim stuff!

*ignoring the typo*

I agree. Draw Skyrim stuff!

Hi there! Please refer to me as Moss. Unable to change my username to reflect that change. Have a nice day. <3


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06 Sep 2012, 9:52 pm

MakaylaTheAspie wrote:
Titangeek wrote:
Sugestiong: Draw skyrim stuff!

*ignoring the typo*

I agree. Draw Skyrim stuff!

Although I don't play Skyrim myself (yet, because my dad and brother are usually on the Xbox 360) I frequently watch my brother play it. Ever since he got the Dawnguard expansion, I have become rather smitten with the female vampire Serana. I decided that I'm going to draw fanart of her. I will draw her in both regular form and in the bat style that I drew Barnabas in.

Speaking of bats, the Vampire Lord form that the player character can assume is really cool, so I'm going to (attempt to) draw that too. :)


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06 Sep 2012, 10:28 pm

I have not played elder scrolls 5 much. I do have it and I played it for a bit, as an emperial. I will try to do something from it. Here is my latest piece, its a portrait of my dragon age character, Cyrne. She is a Dalish Elf Rogue specialized in ranger skills.



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06 Sep 2012, 10:48 pm

^ I like how it looks almost like blood!


The Moon People who live north of the Sun Kingdom have never joined together into a singular nation-state of their own, instead dividing themselves into a multitude of autonomous city-states scattered across the desert. What all these polities share in common is a monotheistic worship of the Moon, whom they conceive as a male father deity. The Moon religion is not at all a simple patriarchal reversal of the Sun religion, however; for one, although Moon Priests are invariably men, none would dare even consider themselves related by descent to the Moon Himself. Furthermore, although the Moon is not technically evil, neither is He unconditionally compassionate; He is in truth a capricious entity who may turn on his disciples if they anger him. This gives the Moon People a much dour view of life and the world than their Sun-venerating counterparts to the south. Nonetheless, since trade with lands beyond the desert is critical to the Moon People's survival, they are more receptive to foreign influences and perhaps less xenophobic than the Sun People.

Check out my art for sale over at Society6, dudes!


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06 Sep 2012, 10:49 pm

Mirror21 wrote:
I have not played elder scrolls 5 much. I do have it and I played it for a bit, as an emperial. I will try to do something from it. Here is my latest piece, its a portrait of my dragon age character, Cyrne. She is a Dalish Elf Rogue specialized in ranger skills.


I quite like that one :D

Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.
- Bruce Lee


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07 Sep 2012, 12:31 am

Thanks Brandon and Titan. I am terrible at drawing facial expressions and contours, but the face is an area that I have problems looking at in real life, period anyways.

Here is a piece for skyrim. It is the dragon logo. I painted it with two shades of gray and black and left the lettering white so it would pop out. I am thinking of making a gray beard with a similar technique as Cyrne's portrait but that idea is still in baby stages.



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07 Sep 2012, 12:35 am

The Empire would be happy.


Hi there! Please refer to me as Moss. Unable to change my username to reflect that change. Have a nice day. <3


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07 Sep 2012, 12:58 am

Here is the second piece I planned on making for SKYRIM. I did not find my own character very memorable but I am a fanatic of "sound"
and I love how the graybeards do the shouts. So, here is my portrait of a graybeard.
