Map for the Sun Kingdom
Few cultures appreciate the Sun's importance to life on the planet as the Sun People. To them the Sun is more than the center of their universe; She is Divinity Herself. In the Sun People's view, the Sun is the Mother of all existence, an omnipotent and omniscient goddess whose benevolence never falters. Indeed, the Sun loves her mortal children so much that she lacks the heart to punish them directly, instead leaving matters of divine discipline to her eldest son the Moon. Those faithful to the Sun merge with her into a state of eternal bliss after their bodily deaths while the Moon swallows wicked souls into his icy interior.
The Sun Kingdom's hereditary monarch, invariably a woman, calls herself Daughter of the Sun, for she claims the Sun as her ultimate ancestress. The Daughter functions as a spiritual, political, and even military leader all at once, which requires that she undergo a rigorous education and martial arts training during her youth. Among the Daughter's most important responsibilities is summoning the rains every year to water her subjects' fields (the Sun People believe that the Sun drives the hydrological cycle). At least in theory she rules her people with as much compassion as humanly possible and upholds justice for all people, rich and poor alike. Although the Daughter of the Sun may choose any man she fancies as her consort and children's caregiver, in practice most Daughters' husbands have come from the nobility, priesthood, or administrative bureaucracy.
The Sun Kingdom typically pursues a peaceful foreign policy, keeping warfare to a minimum, but the Sun People generally view foreigners outside their influence as uncouth barbarians. They pity albinos and people from lighter-skinned populations for their susceptibility to sunburn. As a product of their ethnocentrism, the Sun People see international trade as a necessary evil and prefer self-sufficiency whenever possible. Although the Kingdom is famous for its monumental architecture and advanced medicine, it persecutes any scientific research that challenges established dogma or assimilates "barbarian" influences.
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Last edited by BrandonSP on 06 Sep 2012, 9:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.