Every one has wonderful work here... I love the talent here... truly amazing!
I promised a new member some examples of my sculpts and instead of starting another thread, will post it here
Right now I am stuck on doing miniature food... But I used to do life size babies...
I can't quite figure out where I moved my other mini pics so will just link my "in progress" website..
So Real Miniatures[img][800:639]http://i238.photobucket.com/albums/ff246/beavercheever/Cake.jpg[/img]
(this one resized oddly ^ it is not this scrunched in....)
[Mod. edit: fixed that for you!
Images are incorrectly scaled unless they're 800x600 or smaller]
These are all absolutely amazing! .. The level of detail is incredible on the miniatures. The sculpted babies, the realism blows me away. Still stunned..
Roughly how long did it take you to sculpt the full size baby pictured? Also, I'm curious how much time went into the cake and the tiny plate with the tiny little burned candles on it! That is awesome!