Todesking wrote:
This s was on the radio a lot in Buffalo, NY. I hated it with a passion when I was a kid. Everytime we played Dungeons & Dragons when I was 13 or 14 at my friend Joe's house we would all roll our eyes in his kitchen when it popped onto the air them procede to make fun of it. Now at 41, I get weepy when I hear it. The song reminds me of Joe who died in 1991 of lung cancer even though he never smoked. I remember all the good times we had making fun of this song changing the lyrics to dirty ones.
That's a sad story, Todesking.
Everyone who has known me for more than 5 minutes, knows I'm an 80s music devotee. To this day -even though I was only born in 1987- I mention 80s pop as one of my two favourite types of music I listen to. Some of my all-time favourites have already been mentioned above, many by Booyakasha. And I have to say, the video to "White Wedding" by Billy Idol is sheer brilliance in its over-the-top-ness.
Here's my submission for this thread:
clarity of thought before rashness of action