777 wrote:
I have been playing for over 4 years now. I'm not that bad. Good enough to be in a band at least, but I'm not better than many serious players. Mainly the people that just do it to show off I'm better than because they aren't serious anyway.
True enough. I know one guitarist who's played about ten years and thinks he's got Kirk Hammett beat (I don't like Metallica, but I give credit where it's due). I'm thinking, "Um, no you're not." His high-speed shredding... I've heard much better. It's kinda funny cuz he showed me a piece featuring John 5 and Joe Satriani and he said, "John 5 is such a great player, though Joe Satriani's just making a bunch of noise like he usually does." Although I could've gone on all the things that take place in Joe's style and the very complex musicality he has, I just--politely as I could--disagreed.
Definitely keep your mind open to correction. To hate correction, really, is ridiculous.
JohnHopkins wrote:
They thought they weren't learning anything useful just becuase they were learning technical stuff and the basics first. That is the attitude which has given birth to millions of terrible guitarists, as well as a handful of great ones.
In retrospect, my problem is sometimes I spend too much time on technical details lol