AprilR wrote:
^those are some hard languages to master, but you might be able to do it if you have a gift to learning languages. I taught myself a bit of Japanese by using duolingo and watching anime haha. It is so much fun.
Because of my dyslexia and other learning disabilities learning other languages is much harder for me than I want, but I still want to learn more languages. Im currently learning Arabic even though I hate the Arabic language (bad memories since my Grandma was Lebanese and used to abuse me speaking in Arabic) and despite having some background in Arabic from raising my monolingual Lebanese Grandma (who taught me Arabic through her very creative ways of cursing at me in her native language) I still find Arabic insanely hard to learn. The only reason why im choosing to learn Arabic is because Arabic is a level 5 language, making it one of the hardest languages in the world to learn for English speakers, so if I already have some background in Arabic as traumatic as it is using that background to pursue further Arabic learning can open up entire jobs and opportunities if people see Arabic on my resume
But in terms of languages I actually want to learn because I enjoy them, Greek, French and Russian are number 1 on my list
I used to use duo lingo but there's a much better way to learn languages, and that's through LingQ.com