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26 Dec 2013, 5:32 pm

Dinnertime with the folks
Spending time telling jokes

We all have a huge feast
I start eating like a beast

Stomach pangs come lying around
I almost ate a pound

Then I see my cure
This pink medicine helps for sure

Hello, Pepto-Bismol, my old friend
A helping hand you lend

Diarrhea strikes, you come to my aid
Blowing my stomach pains like a grenade

Now my stomach's all right
And now to wish myself a good night

Eating's fun, that we know
Pepto-Bismol, the one for any stomach woe


The Canadian Football League - What We're Made Of

Feel free to talk to me, if you wish. :)

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30 Dec 2013, 7:06 pm

This is all I have written so far for the first issue of my superhero comic, Sean Gillespie: The Alphaboy. I apologize if its vague, but I felt like posting something, so what the heck.

Written by Connor Bible

PAGE 1: Three panels.

Panel One: A lone spermatozoa edges towards an ovum with in the body of a woman.

1. SEAN: We all have a story to tell. The question is, where exactly do we begin it?
2. SEAN (cont.): The answer varies from person to person.

Panel Two: The head of the spermatozoa is now embedded within the ovum, its tail wiggling in the primordial soup of creation.

1. SEAN: I guess that I am what you call a complex case, with an even more complex story.
2. SEAN (cont.): I suppose starting at square one won’t hurt anyone’s sensibilities.

Panel Three: An extreme closeup of a girl’s eye. A tear of agony slides out. There is much dialogue.

1. MALE VOICE: She’s hemorrhaging!
2. FEMALE VOICE: This girl is a trainwreck…
3. MALE VOICE #2: Goddamn…
4. FEMALE VOICE #2: She keeps going on this way…

PAGE 1: Splash page.

A girl is sprawled atop a large cot, mouth and eyes wide open.

Yes, I'm still alive.


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06 Jan 2014, 10:11 pm

Two blood cells float next to each other.
"Hey Carl you ever wonder why we do this?"
"Do what?"
"You know load oxygen and carbon dioxide and ship them to different places."
"No why?"
"Well I was thinking, maybe we are part of something bigger like a body or something, maybe it's alive like you and me it can think and stuff."
"A body right, as if. I think you've been carrying to much carbon dioxide"
Two truckers driving on an Interstate next to each other.
"Hey Carl you ever wonder why we do this?"
"Do what?"
"You know take goods and garbage and ship them to different places."
"No why?"
"Well I was thinking, maybe we are part of something bigger like a god or something, maybe its alive like you and me and can think and stuff."
"A God, right"

Blue Jay
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15 Jan 2014, 4:17 pm

The two blood cells amd truckers and wondering why there carrying things all over the place.
I guess I could make the same joke "Why am I Writing if Not selling?
Guess I know now. I want to share my writing from THE TRUTH HURTS, written under the name Bettie Mills.

Isabel glanced up, “Are you done yet?” Miss Green removed her finger and Isabel glanced back at the clock. 7:41. “As I was saying, our school rules are still quite firm.”
7:42 “I have prepared a schedule for advancement to fifth grade- but it requires,”
“Let me guess,” Felicia said, “Signatures,” A sound slid through the paper as the clock skipped the seconds of the next two minutes 7:45.

Isabel looked at the paper. She knew what had been said. No signatures. She hadn’t expected this. She had worked so hard. She had straight A’s in all but one subject. Math. Why did the school have to be so stern.
And how come she had never been held back before? She had failed math every year since her first grade, but she had always advanced. She crumped up her slip. There was no use bringing that thing home.
“We really would want you two in fifth grade. But the school board has decided…”
“That one bad subject really disqualifies
me from advancing….”
“the school has had problems with students failing important subjects and advancing- then the students would fail high school because they didn’t understand them,”Isabel looked at Felicia, “Why’s she being held back?
“We don’t permit students to hit others on the head,”

I've always hated that schools require signatures by parents, and I wondered what it would be like if the parents couldn't sign the syllbuses and schools.

I'm not normal and i love it!

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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24 Jan 2014, 8:56 pm

I wrote a novel, read the first 21 pages on my author website:


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28 Jan 2014, 8:50 am

Cat peers through my window,
hazy autumn sky behind.
rooftops slumber
helpless in their elegance.

Patterns from a life far behind.
stamp collections,
meals eaten alone, with others
smiling under cover
of my song.
Overdue library books,
cobwebs swept from corners.
Spider dashes away:
"No, don't kill it!"
What does it all mean?
The raincoats, bad sitcoms,
falling in love.
Dust scattered on an empty sea.
We descend
or rise
free of ties.
Without commutes, vacuums
and unpaid bills.
All this I'm thinking,
as the cat stares.
Wonders why I'm in a cage.
Patters away as I finish my tea
and the day begins.

Night spectacles
embrace the dawn.
Crawling out of sleep.
"Get up. Time to go. Wash your face."
Trains arrive, depart.
Slices of toast drown in butter.
TV's blare out reports
of famine,
and dancing dogs.
A comely blonde reports
mayhem on the roads.
"The next ghastly accident
could be yours,"
said but not said.
Commands fly at you,
insisting that you buy,
buy buy.
Lest you should sag
or show grey.
I'm close believing it.
While I hang by my seatbelt, wheels
facing the sky.
Hot commuters cursing me
as my rescuers
inch through traffic,
I will be terribly concerned
with the whiteness of my smile.


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28 Jan 2014, 11:21 am

A horror story blog I'm working on:
Jack Western's Horror Story Blog

Respond please, I love comments.


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28 Jan 2014, 11:42 pm

Another poem......

A Night with NyQuil

My body and head feel uneasy
What is a guy to do?

All I have to is take it easy
A medicine comes from out of the blue

It's NyQuil, the best medicine for me
I take a few caplets, and I hit the hay

In liquid form it comes too, drunk like tea
Either way it'll put my cold at bay

Ten hours of sleep I go through
A time in which I slowly heal

I wake up, and good things ensue
I suddenly feel as strong as steel

Oh, NyQuil, you really helped kill my cold
What would I do without you?

This medicine's as good as gold
When you've got the cold, it sure will do


The Canadian Football League - What We're Made Of

Feel free to talk to me, if you wish. :)

Every day is a gift- cherish it!

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28 Jan 2014, 11:55 pm

And, in the interest of equal time:

A Day With DayQuil
7 A.M., and I feel really groggy
Who do I turn to for relief?

Enter DayQuil, it'll make me less smoggy
It will rid me of my cold, with no grief

I take two caplets, goes down easy
Or in liquid form, either way it's okay

My day progresses, and I feel breezy
Keeping my sickness far away

My friends ask me how I feel
I tell them "I've never been better!"

Yes, DayQuil protects like armored steel
Like on a chilly day where you wear a sweater

No other medicine stops the cold
Like this wonderful orange stuff

DayQuil puts your allergies on hold
Gets you through your day, doesn't get you rough


The Canadian Football League - What We're Made Of

Feel free to talk to me, if you wish. :)

Every day is a gift- cherish it!

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02 Feb 2014, 4:01 pm

I like writing parodies of old classics in my spare time, so here's a "Gift of the Magi" one not-just-in-time for Christmas. Be forewarned, though, I make my humor like I make my coffee: Dark and in poor taste.

One dollar and eighty-seven cents. That was all. And sixty cents of it was in pennies, so you just know you're going to be dealing with a pissed off cashier. Oh, and the people in line behind you? In the middle of the Christmas shopping season? Jesus, forget about it!

Della could have gotten a job, but she decided that there was nothing she could do but fling herself onto the tattered couch and let the bedbugs massage her scalp.

While the mistress of the home consorts with her thirsty friends, let's have a look around. It was a furnished flat that went for $8 per week, due in part to the busy railway ten yards from the front door that transported hazardous freight at all hours. It was also haunted by the ghost of a serial killer that used the leather torn from his victims to fashion a recliner, an ottoman, and other handsome living room essentials. But hey, it was furnished, so you can't beat that.

James Dillingham Young was away now, hard at work in a textile plant across town. Whenever a child laborer got their fingers mangled in the razor-sharp, unregulated machinery it was his job to wipe away the soft tissue and mop up the peasant blood before it stained the product. James had been thrilled when his supervisor announced the implementation of "employee discounts" to everyone in the factory. He hadn't realized that what they had meant was they wanted their employees at a discount, and his wages were cut by $10 a week (approximately $1000000000 in future people money).

Della began to feel anemic from blood loss and decided that now was not the day to be found cold and covered with flies after James' 16-hour shift. It was so close to Christmas, after all. She rose and stood by the window. Every day, the view was the same. Each surface gritty with industrial waste, stray cats fighting and breeding endlessly. Maybe a dead hobo in the yard, stray cats fighting and eating him endlessly.

Tomorrow was Christmas, and Della had only $1.87 to purchase her husband a gift. For months she had wandered around town scouring the sidewalks and flinging herself into wishing wells, and this was all she had to show for it. Only a $1.87 for Jim, who had never asked her to be both barefoot and pregnant. Just the first one, because broads are always wasting money on shoes. Am I right?

Della stepped back from the window until she could see her reflection in it. With a flourish and a shower of swollen parasites, Della allowed her hair to cascade freely over her shoulders.

Poverty didn't allow for many precious possessions, but Della had always cherished her hair. Its gorgeous length flowed like gossamer, and was the envy of all who were fortunate enough to see it. Jim had a treasure as well. The heirloom pocket watch never left his side. He never failed to gently polish it with a clean-ish rag every Sunday evening, whether it needed it or not. Secretly, Jim enjoyed the jealous eyes that fell on him whenever he pretended to check the time; allowing the golden device to catch the light. That the jealous eyes usually belonged to starving child laborers wasn't enough to diminish his love for the trinket.

Della pulled her hair up again quickly before the temptation to change her mind overwhelmed her conviction. She threw on a jacket and left in a hurry. Della walked with a purpose until she stood before a sign that read: "Ooooh Gurl! Weaves and More!" The shop was atop a narrow flight of stairs that Della climbed with labored, trembling steps. Pausing to collect herself, she closed her eyes and opened the door. A woman with her hair elaborately done up like a large Christmas bow looked up at Della and openly appraised her worn clothing with a cynical stare.

"Will you buy my hair?" asked Della.

"I dunno. Maybe," the woman replied without much enthusiasm. "Let's see what you've got."

Her hair rippled down a final time.

"Twenty bucks, I guess," the woman muttered, rising to collect her instruments.

"Give it to me quick," said Della."

The stylist laughed. "Girl, if I had a dime for every time I--"

"No!" Della interrupted. "Sorry, just--Can we do this already?"

For as long as it takes to grow hair as fine as Della's, it took only seconds for it to be cut cruelly away. The swaying weight of it was gone, making the muscles in her neck feel strange.

As heavy as Della's heart was over the loss of her hair, the money in her pocket made her feel light and free. She moved from store to store, searching for the ideal gift for Jim.

She found it at last in Henry's Cash 4 Gold Mart. Lying in a display on a bed of purple velvet was a platinum watch chain. Just like Jim's golden watch, it was simple and understated. The substance that made it precious was enough to convince anyone of its value, especially if it caught the light just so. After parting with $21 (approximately $532934 in future people money), Della walked home as fast as she could without drawing attention. She felt like a stagecoach driver moving a bank's strongbox through the territory of highwaymen.

Once through the door, Della's adrenaline high faded and she regained her wits. Though she had obtained the perfect gift, the price she had paid was high. Something had to be done about what remained of her hair before Jim returned home. Grasping a can of grease drippings in a fit of inspiration, she went to her bedroom mirror to begin the sad task of repairing her butchered scalp. Forty minutes later, her hands sticky with grease, she decided that there was nothing more that could be done.

"God, I look like frigging Peter Pan over here," Della muttered.

At 7 o'clock, coffee was beginning to percolate next to the pan that was currently frying the rat steaks. Jim always arrived home promptly, and it was prudent for Della to make it seem as though she hadn't neglected her rightful place in the kitchen (haw, old timey people).

Della sat at the table and cradled the watch chain in her hand. As the unmistakable thud of his boot striking the first stair sounded, her beating heart began to answer in kind. Her eyes did not blink as she watched the door and listened to his approach.

"Please God, let him still find me pretty," she whispered. "People still like Ellen Degeneres, right? That's something!"

This did little to comfort her, for she didn't quite know who Ellen Degeneres was.

The door opened, and Jim stepped in. He was thin and serious, his apron smeared with orphan chunks. It had clearly been a hard day.

Jim froze in the doorway and stared at Della, frozen as though she were Medusa. With a shout, his trance was broken and he stumbled back against the door.

"Dear God, Della! Call the constable!" he cried. "We're being burgled by a lesbian biker!"

"Jim, darling!" she sobbed, rising from her seat. "I had my hair cut off and sold! I couldn't live through Christmas without giving you the gift that you deserve! My hair--my hair grows very fast! It will be at pixie-cut levels in no time!"

"You've cut off your hair?" Jim muttered. His voice was low and empty of emotion like the bloody, naked ghost that leaned over their bed and whispered about what he had done in Hell that day while they were trying to sleep.

"And I sold it," Della continued. "I think we have a paper bag in the cupboard. If you'll just let me cut eye holes you don't--"

"You said that your hair was gone?" he rasped.

"Yes!" she replied, trying to remember everything she had read about aneurysms. "And I did it for you! I know you'll love your gift! Please stop forcing blood into your face."

Jim flung himself against Della and held her to his chest, sobbing. A hideous feeling of foreboding clouded Della's soul, and soon she was weeping as well. Suddenly, Jim pulled away and slammed a package on the table. An assortment of combs clattered out onto the table, the very ones that she had fawned over in the storefront window for ages. Of course, she had always known that the beautiful things were far beyond their financial reach. Unless...

"Oh God, Jim. You sold it, didn't you?" she shouted, balling her fists in front of her pale face. The chain felt like it was burning into her palms.

"Yes, the watch. I did it for you, and I'd do it again a thousand times over. Oh, if I had only known that fate would play such a cruel trick on us!" Jim lamented.

"The cruelty is greater than you know," Della gasped, holding her open palm out to Jim. The chain seemed dull in the gloomy kitchen. All the promise that it had held was torn away.

"Oh God! It's perfect! But you!" Jim screamed, his finger thrust at the sky. "You couldn't let us have this moment, could you? What did we do to you? Was it the baby? I just know it was the baby!"

Della rushed forward and grasped his shoulders. "No, it wasn't! You couldn't have known! You're not responsible!"

"Apparently I've been found guilty by the Judge of Heaven!" Jim cried. "'Drop it off at the fire station,' they said! 'It's completely legal," they said! But they never told you where in the fire station to place it! And the rubbish bin was a warm enough place. Someone was sure to take out the garbage in a matter of minutes and discover the wriggling bundle there! How was I to know about mechanical compactors? Who knew such a damned thing existed at this point in history?"

Della pressed her face to his chest. Her hair stabbed into his jaw while they cried together in a state of hysterical misery.

"What shall we do, Jim? What can we do?"

For a time, Jim did not answer. His breathing became slow and even. Della could feel his mind arriving at an inescapable conclusion.

"I know of a bridge," Jim began. "It is high, and this time of year the water is cold enough to stop a heart in mid-beat."

"Let's go, darling!" Della implored. "Right now! Together!"

"Yes, Della. Today we escape this torment forever!" Jim returned. In spite of everything, he began to smile. Then he laughed.

Della, grinning too, began to pull him towards the front door. "Freedom, Jim! Isn't that the greatest gift of all? Oh, I hope the ice is as deadly as you say!"

"I hope it is twice as fatal for you, my dear! But let us not forget to burn this place before we depart! Burn it right down to its odd-smelling foundation!"

Della seized a lamp and began to slosh the oil across the kitchen, laughing all the while.

"Cleansing fire!" she shouted. "Let this Hell we occupy better represent the Hell that lies in wait for us!"

"Yes!" Jim cheered! "Burn it all, and then we shall gladly dash into the Devil's arms!"

The magi, as you know, were terribly misinformed men. They brought things like frankincense and myrrh to a newborn baby, after all. What, exactly, is a newborn baby going to do with potpourri? Is it even safe for them to breathe in all those vapors and crap, because I know it isn't cool to burn incense right next to a frigging kid that's just a few hours old.

Anyway, when the magi found out their mistake, the exchange of gifts was terribly awkward (although not as bad as the little drummer boy that gave a SLEEPING BABY a drum solo). As the tales of that child's incredible acts began to spread, the magi were reminded again and again of their failure. Finally, the burden of it grew too heavy. All three flung themselves from the summit of the highest temple. And though they were oppressed by the cruel memory of that night around the manger, they did not have to escape the tyranny of a squandered life alone. Sometimes, the greatest ambition a man can entertain is to find someone willing to help them step off that high ledge.

Jim and Della, just like the magi before them, achieved this noble goal.

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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06 Feb 2014, 5:00 am

so i found this poem i wrote when i was like 17 (one of many) i wasnt very good

Born in a daydream without any eyes
into a world behind the sunrise.
Generate hope to a new generation
under the hatred and indignation.
A newborn baby cries to the heavens
for freedom from fate's cruel intentions.

When nothing goes right will there be anything left?

Raised beneath clouds which are constantly gray,
a monochrome sky bleeds monochrome rain
on a beautiful soul born without eyes
if he never wakes up would you be surprised?

I bow my empty head in prayer to a god that never seemed to care.
Stifled laughter behind my cries, it seems that god was never here
to watch me fall into my mind and from the rest, i fall behind.
I bow my empty head in prayer to a god that wasnt ever there.

"Life itself is only a vision, a dream; nothing exists save empty space and you. And you are but a thought."


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13 Feb 2014, 12:19 am

I wrote this piece of free verse pretty much on the fly, but it did evolve from a story idea that I have kindled for some time now. It's supposed to be a mythologized account of the so-called "coming of the Greeks", told from the perspective of a Minyan whose people were said to live in the Aegean area before the Hellenes proper. If it isn't clear, I based my reconstructed Minyan culture off the Germanic peoples, most of all the Norse.

A Minyan's Lament
Hills rolling down to the turquoise sea,
Their slopes mantled green with cypress and cedar.
Stags and goats bounding in the berry bushes,
Fish shimmering in the streams and shores.
Sunlit summers and breezy winters,
But only the highest peaks knew icy cold.
This land we of Minyas called our home.

The trees gave us timber for our longhouses
And for the boats from which we fished.
The wildlife gave us meat for our pots,
And hides for clothes to cover our pale skins.
The hills gave us stone for our shrines,
And copper ore for our own defense.
For all this we of Minyas thanked our Aesir.

We thanked Wodan the Warrior,
He of one eye and two ravens.
We thanked Donar the Thunderer,
He of the hammer and two goats.
We even thanked Loki the Cunning,
He of the great wolf and greater serpent.
Yet not even our faith could save we of Minyas.

From the craggy wastes of the East came the hordes,
Trampling forest and plain under their sandals and chariots.
They bore tawny faces and hair black like pitch,
But they hid these under blazing suits of bronze.
They called themselves Hellenes and swore by Olympus,
Which they claimed rose from our country.
They told we of Minyas that we stood in their way.

At first we turned to the south searching for allies,
For only they had the numbers to crush the Hellenes.
We rowed across the sea to the black kingdom of Kemet,
Land of shining tombs and columned temples.
We knelt before the Pharaoh and tugged at his kilt,
Yet he merely wrote us off as unwashed barbarians.
We of Minyas had to face our destruction alone.

We struck the Hellenes with more strength than bears,
And we roared from our hearts with more valor than lions.
Yet our axes shattered on their shields and breastplates.
Not even our arrows could puncture their protection.
The Hellenes drenched their spears red with our blood.
They slaughtered women and children as they did our warriors.
And then we our Minyas saw our longhouses bloom into flames.

Over time the Hellenes ripped our hills asunder,
Plundering our stone for their acropolises.
They cut down our forests and butchered all our game.
They swamped our waters with their wastes.
Our souls may rest in the warmth of Wodan's hall,
But no heavenly feast can soothe our loss.
All we of Minyas can do is mourn our former home.

Check out my art for sale over at Society6, dudes!

Blue Jay
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15 Feb 2014, 7:15 am

Flower Delivery

This piece was inspired by working as a flower deliverer in the Valentines Day.
It was set in the area around Tai Wai, Hong Kong

The deliverer arrived to an elderly home,
and announced the name to the staffs.
but he made a mistake, and they racketed on him:
“That’s a Cho! Not a Chou!”
Evetually, he found her in the ward. As he gave the bunch of roses to that dumbfounded young nurse,
he was greeted by another racket -
the cheers of every staffs, officers, and elders on wheelchair.

The deliverer knocked on the hospital room.
He handed the gift to a middle-aged doctor,
who was surprised by it.
“I thought I’m too old to have an admirer.”
Later, the deliverer dialed a number as instructed.
He told the sender of the completion of delivery.
“Thank you.” replied the young, boyish voice.

He stood on the top floor of the hilltop mansion,
and pressed the crystal button on the granite doorframe.
The stern father, serving by two foreign servants
peeped down onto him from his newspapers
He gazed sliently, but the deliverer could read his face
“Another boy come after my precious girl!”

The husband lifted the flowers carefully.
As the deliverer turned to leave,
he caught a glimpse of his loving wife inside his home.
On that photo, her smile was warm and bright
The husband placed the blossoms in front of her,
next to a glowing candle.

He was surprised by the next order.
It was in Mei Lam, his old home.
He had not visited there for a long time,
for reasons.
Curiously, his eyes fell onto the name.

He walked across that dim corridor to her door.
She appeared for the first time since primary school.
He really wanted to believe,
that she was surprised by him, not by those flowers.
When he finished parroting the company script,
and handed her those flowers from someone else,
he remembered how this occasion repeated in his dream.
Now he knew.
The door closed.

The day was over.
He got onto the bus to Shatin.
As the bus picking up speed,
bringing him away from his dearest flower,
He didn’t look back.
He would look no more.

Tufted Titmouse
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14 Mar 2014, 1:51 am

The forest pool

I could hear them behind me as I stumbled as fast as I could through the forest.
The bandits had attacked my masters’ castle earlier that night after one of the guards had opened the gates for them.
As the bandits poured in and began to slaughter everyone I saw one of them, probably their leader, walk up to the
traitor guard and pat him friendly on the shoulder before slicing open his neck.

After that they dragged out my master and tied him to a stake and burned him alive as they went about their pillaging.
I managed to get to the gate in the confusion as they started to finish off the survivors of their initial attack.
And as I ran out I had heard someone behind me shouting and then they started chasing me so I had ran in to this
forest hoping they would leave me alone after a while.
However they seemed determined to kill me as well.

Why would they go through so much trouble just to kill a worthless servant like me, I thought as I kept fighting my way
through the tangled mess of the forest.
I knew it was only a matter of time before they caught up to me and began looking around as best I could in this darkness
for a place to hide.
All I could find was a small bush nearby and I decided to run on but a small glint of reflected moonlight flashed before my
vision and I dived in to the bush and waited.

I cowered there in fear of the soon to come strike that would end my miserable life but nothing happened.
Try as I might to just stay there hidden I could not stop myself from looking toward where I had seen that glint and as the
moon came fully out from behind the clouds I saw her.
A young woman stood there at the edge of a small pool of water dressed in armor in the form an elegant dress.
Its plates were black as night with sliver edges and the most beautiful patterns on the in what must of been small red gems.

A black mask covered the top of her face leaving just her mouth and short hair exposed and hanging loosely from her waist
was a sword in the same design as her armor.
For a moment I feared she might be with the bandits but that fled as I watched her just standing there holding a small red
flower in her hand.
She seemed so at peace there and the calmness that was flowing of her began to erase the fear I felt.

But then they arrived.
Two bandits burst in to the small clearing then and upon seeing her one spat out "another one, get it!" and they both charged
her weapons drawn.
She looked at them as they charged her and then simply stepped to one side as the first attacker barreled past her and his
attempted lunge only found the air.

With effortless ease she drew her sword and sliced at the second attacker and her strike first severed the lower half of his arm
off before moving on to remove his head.
He fell dead to the ground without a sound as the first attacker whirled back around on her and tried to get her again.
Without even looking back at him she swung her sword backward cutting both him and his sword in half and she finished the
motion by snapping her sword back in its place on her side.

The entire wood then was silent and even I dared not breathe for the shock of what I had just witnessed.
Slowly she raised her gauntlet covered hand and looked at it and after a few seconds that seemed like years she opened her
clenched fist.
And then a faint breath of wind washed through the clearing and tiny red petals drifted from her hand.

Though I could not see her face I felt a profound sense of loss flowing from her as if something irreplaceable had just been lost.
And after the last petal had drifted down on to the surface of the small pool she turned and walked away in to the depths of the

All I could do was sit there stunned till the first rays of the dawn sun broke through the canopy and then I got up and walked out
of the forest and headed for the nearest town.
And though I never saw her again I would never forget that scene of her as those petals fluttered away.


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03 Apr 2014, 7:41 pm

Here are the first few paragraphs of the fantasy/science fiction (it is kind of both, to be honest. Then again, both genres are very similar) book I am writing. Currently, it does not have a title:

"Talgaet felt as if he were in the middle of an earthquake.

Obviously, it was no earthquake: when you are flying an airship eight hundred metres high, the last thing you expect is a seismic event. No, Talgaet's situation was what most people would consider somewhat graver: he was being targeted by a volley of bullets from the smugglers who have been chasing after him for a few hours.
Fortunately, Talgaet Hartus was not like most people. Most people would not live in an airship as if it were a private yacht. Most people would not choose a life wandering aimlessly and with little contact with civilization. And, most of all, most people would not smile at a moment like that.

"At last, a little action! I feared this day would be a complete waste of time" said Talgaet to no one in particular, which was appropriate, considering that there was no one in there to listen to him. This was one of the man's (many) flaws: he seemed incapable of thinking to himself.

As one would have expected, no one gets involved in the type of activity with which Talgaet spent his time without being properly prepared. His airship, Vhal, was fitted with two arcane cannons and a navigation and defense systems disruptor, widely known as Mole due to the state its targets were left in after being hit with it (blind and completely unfit for flying, just like its namesake). Most nations had laws forbidding the installation of weapons in civilian aircraft, but Talgaet believed that, due to not having a fixed home, he was not subjected to such absurd rules. Nevertheless, he kept the cannons hidden in secret compartments at port and starboard and avoided using them unless absolutely necessary. With that in mind, Talgaet located his assailant, a surprisingly small craft for the firepower it showed moments earlier, and he activated the Mole. In a matter of seconds, the targeted craft began to shake in a rampant manner, forcing the enemy pilot to abandon his attack to stabilize his small aircraft. Talgaet had seen the Mole's effects more times than he could count and he knew that at least that adversary would not be back to bother him.

Unfortunately for the captain of the Vhal, there were still two attackers and the Mole would not be ready for another shot in less than five minutes. It might sem a short span of time, but many things could happen in five minutes when it came to air combat manoeuvring. And indeed it happened: before Talgaet could prepare his next trick, the Vhal was hit again."

DISCLAIMER: It should be noted that, while I strongly suspect I have Asperger's syndrome, I am not diagnosed. Nevertheless, my score on RAADS-R is 186, which makes me a pretty RAAD guy.

Sorry for this terrible joke, by the way.


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09 Apr 2014, 3:13 pm

@sammie96 I love your poems, epecially that last line about the cat's thoughts about the human.