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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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27 May 2014, 8:49 am

I am trapped inside a cage in a zoo. I am isolated from my surroundings. I am confused about who I am. I am confused about my feelings. I am scared of being hurt again. I don?t want to go through the pain of bullying, and being laughed at. I am tired of being called a ret*d. I want to prove to the world that they are wrong. No one understands how deep the snow is, and how hard it is to trudge through it. Words hurt, and the pain never ends. Society is mean, when a person makes mistakes. I try to follow the social rules of not saying too much information, of not interrupting others, of eating properly at a dinner table. It is hard to understand when a person is done talking. Their lips seem to stop moving for a longer period of time. In reality the audio I am hearing isn?t in tune to what others are saying. I respond more slowly than others. I don?t know how to comfort others. Sounds are too loud, lights are too bright. I am sensitive. I am sensitive to the world around me. I have meltdowns when I am hungry, when I feel like no one takes the times to listen to me, and when I take the things people say literally. I take people seriously.
These are the reasons I decide to attend college. I attend college to learn about my surroundings. I attend college to socialize when it is harder to make friends. I attend college to learn. I attend college for a better future. I attend college to prove that the society is wrong. I want to prove to people that you can overcome autism. People with autism can have a bright future. Despite my autism I am learning to follow social rules. I am learning how to keep friends. I am learning solutions to dealing with my sensory. I am learning to find solutions to what causes my meltdowns. I may still have struggles, but I can overcome them through higher education.
Autism has its advantages. Autism is knowledge. Knowledge gives you power. Power gives you an opportunity to overcome hardships, and achieve great things in life.

She is stupid, she?s fat, she?s ret*d, she?s slow, she is blind, she is deaf.
There are so many misconceptions.
She is a cry baby, she should be beaten up.
There are so many bullies!
There are so many misconceptions.
She is stupid, she can?t read.

There are so many bullies,
Yet so many misconceptions.
She is stupid, she can?t read,
What?s that supposed to mean.
I can?t read because I am visually impaired
Can?t they see, how much it hurts me?

She is fat? I know I am,
But you would be too, if you had binge eating disorder.
There are so many bullies,
And so many misconceptions.
Why does it happen every day?
Why me?

If I am ret*d, I would not be attending college.
Would I?
Just because I have autistic flaws, does not make me ret*d.
I just learn differently, like other slower learners.
Please do not contradict my abilities.
There are so many misconceptions about me.

She is deaf? No I am not.
I just respond a little slower than others.
If I could not hear you, I would tell you so.
That is just one of my autistic flaws.
Don?t you see, I am just me.
There are so many misconceptions about me, from people who hardly know me.
I often ask myself why me?
Why do people often underestimate my abilities?
I may be different, but so is everyone else.
That is what make us unique.
Do not judge people you don?t know.
Don?t judge others either, because we are all unique.

Misconceptions is considered bullying.
People get hurt from being contradicted every day.
Do not contradict others every day abilities, it may just happen to you too. Karma is a b***h!

The Painting I chose is Times Square Street Scene by Stephens Wiltshire
The City of Intellect
Bustling streets with heavy traffic,
And crowds of people fill all of Times Square.
People go there to watch Broadway musicals, tour the city and taste all different types of foods.
From Matilda, to the Lion King,
To billboards of art, and newspaper companies such as The New York Times.
There is a place for everybody to enjoy.
People work, shop, eat. Attend school, act, sing and dance.
You can hear anything from horns beeping, people talking on the phones, and laughter as well as great music.
It's like a huge mall, People can enjoy it even when it rains or snows.
It's a fun place to be.
I like to call it the city of intellect
Because everybody can go there for anything they need.
It's a smart place to be.
Time's Square, Manhattan is the city to be!



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03 Jun 2014, 8:58 pm

I wrote this poem about my struggles @ 27 and still single......... with no chance of ever finding love. :(

Where is My Princess
I watch the world go by
Now my life is just zooming fast

I can't seem to sleep, I just cry
Wonder to myself, "When will she come at last?"

My princess, my one true love
What I wouldn't to to have her

I just gotta give fate a huge shove
But I know it will happen for sure

Just when I think I am a heartbeat away
I fear that my time will never come

Will I keep these demons in my heart at bay?
My heart beats rapidly like a drum

I know, I want to make it happen, I do
It's my only thing that I want

I'm an Aspie, something I cannot undo
My inner demons I should taunt

My princess, where could she be?
I will keep searching high and low

When she comes, things will become clear for me
That love knows no bounds, oh no


The Canadian Football League - What We're Made Of

Feel free to talk to me, if you wish. :)

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Sea Gull
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24 Jun 2014, 8:56 am

whens the site gonna be up again? :/


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10 Jul 2014, 11:59 pm

Hey all! I just published my poems and wanted someone to know about it. Feel free to check the book out on Amazon or Barnes & Noble or iTunes, title is: Unmasked at Last: Poetry of a midlife journey to identity and autism acceptance. [url=[url=]Amazon[/url]]Unmasked at Last on Amazon[/url]

without the dark of night we could not see the stars <---shameless self-promo


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12 Aug 2014, 7:15 am

Black sheep kind of story

Once upon a time,many,many years ago at some distant land,you and I never heard about, lived one black sheep.She had four legs,a head and everything else other sheeps had,but she was black. She was so black that from big distance she seemed white.Other sheeps feard,hated or ignored her,but soon they becamed bored so they invented new feelings to make her sad. ?She is not one of us,just look the way she walks,and nevermind that walk look at her black colour.Look at that.Did you ever seen night black as that,or coal,or shadow?No you did not.Never.That is not even black!?, they would discuss while walking through fields and hills. And as you know, sheeps want to be same as it is possible.And you would not believe how possible that is.Or would you? Anyway,black sheep was alone but not lonely,she did not liked the noises other sheeps maked,but she did not hate them nor she wanted to.She was not able to hate.And then one day she became lonely but alone.She did not like it,and she started to think. She thinked so much, as much as never before. She did not eat,she did not sleep,she did not follow,she did not move nor did she speak. Earth spinned in front of her eyes like that for some time. Spring,summer,autumn,winter,and again,and again,and again? Then she closed her eyes,she realised?Or did she? She did not minded being black as she minded being sheep. Firstly she wanted to be a chameleon,to make herself more invisible than she was.Then as she gets little older she changed her mind, she wanted to be a lion because they are so strong and nobody touches a lion ,that is well known. Then she wanted to be a bird,they seemed so free,flying on the sky,playing hide and seek into clouds,carrying sun lights on their wings. That period took a while. And then she opened her eyes,she realised?There is no such a thing as freedom or justice,she said to herself while walking through fields and hills alone and lonely.She knewed that there were no other black sheeps,not at that distant land,you and I never heard about.So she felt sorry for herself,but then she also started to feel sorry for other sheeps. Other sheeps were all same,they even think same as matter of fact. No one of them will become a sheep they will always be sheeps.Isnt it sad?Then she realised that she was as alone and lonely as all other sheeps who were together.But she had herself. At least?Or did she?

"Some people have told me that I'm grumpy; it's not something that I'm aware of. It's not like I walk around poking children in the eye... not very small ones, anyway." Dylan Moran


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13 Aug 2014, 2:27 pm

Poem about the dream I had last night

From all people
who were there
I saw him first.
The big blue rooster
all made of paper
but alive as he could be
and very far,far on the sky
trying to fly
waving with his wings
a sad creature
he was afraid to die.
All people on the street, terrified, started
to run
carrying their heads
on their arms
but I stood there,alone
unable to move
I watched him fall.
The big blue rooster
was actually small
and he did not mean
to hurt anyone
and then he fell,
he fell from the sky
nothing happened,nobody died
he really did not knew how
to fly.
The bright Sun then started to shine
now all people were dancing and
celebrating on the street
on the same street
happy, cause they still had their lives.
But I,
I started to run
unable to stay
and watch their fun.

"Some people have told me that I'm grumpy; it's not something that I'm aware of. It's not like I walk around poking children in the eye... not very small ones, anyway." Dylan Moran


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16 Aug 2014, 5:02 am


Up in the morning
Feeling good about the day

Make a boiling brew
Smell, and feel the dew

Go outside
Feet wet from the air

What should I do?

Thoughts in a race
Emotions too

I know what to do
Race myself!

Roll it out, and give it a kick or two, or three, or four
Suddenly all I hear is a ringadingding

Hop on it with all the excitement and joy a boy can have
Or a man

At this point it doesn't matter
It's all the same

Boy, man, crocodile who cares?
It all left me in a trail of smoke!

It is all back there somewhere
Im soo free

Over the hills, and through the woods
Right, left, wheeling, ditching, and dodging

There is a trail of breadcrumbs
It is a rut 5 miles long

I see a deer, a bird, a man with a badge
No matter, I smile, I wave, I ringadinding, and I'm already gone

I raced myself
I win again

Be like water making its way through cracks. Do not be assertive, but adjust to the object, and you shall find a way around or through it. If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves.

Bruce Lee.


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03 Sep 2014, 5:01 pm

Here's a funny story, based on a true story: (The true story in question is here - ... g-national)

It was just another morning at Ballantyne Field, the home of the Matsuo University Ninjas (American) football team. I was minding my own business as I entered the stadium, when a Matsuo University staffer told me some bad news. "John! I have some bad news! One of our groundskeepers mowed the field, which has artificial turf!" I said, "Oh, jeez....... that? I better go see." I made my way towards the field, and there it was, the whole football field was a tattered mess. I then asked the staffer, "Who's the guy that did this?" He said, "Jim. Our head groundskeeper thought you were supposed to mow that surface, but everyone knows you can't mow artificial turf!" I had a talk with Jim. "Jim, why did you mow the field?" Jim said, "I can't tell the difference between natural and artificial grass." I said, "Man, you have a lot to learn, bro. You can't mow this synthetic turf, it doesn't grow, and I heard you actually tried to water it before. I think you need a week off." I then turned to the staffer. "Tom! Give Jim a week off, so he can understand the differences between the two grasses!" Tom said, "Alright, John!" Then I walked away from the field, muttering "Dammit, Jim, you had one job....... and you screwed it up."


The Canadian Football League - What We're Made Of

Feel free to talk to me, if you wish. :)

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15 Sep 2014, 8:48 pm


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19 Sep 2014, 2:34 am

Here's a bit of a preview for the new Scourtney oneshot I'm working on:

?Hey, I ain?t exactly being the unreasonable one here right now?? I chuckle a bit, but stopped once she shot me a glare. ?I mean, I tolerate ya enough, right? Even with the whole distance thing, I just want ya to know that I support you through thick and thin, and that I?d be willing to do anything for ya? And to be honest, well, I really missed you, Court? It gets really lonely out here, so it?s always nice for me to have someone to talk to. You understand, right??

I noticed that the tightness of her facial expression loosened up a bit, as she cracked a small smile at me. I couldn?t help but smile back at her, because I knew I was finally getting through to her.

?I mean, we?re friends, right Courtney?? I continued on, still having her attention. ?So, you should feel comfortable telling me anything that?s been bugging ya, and not feeling all shy about it. Sometimes, it?s just good to let things out of your system, ya know? It?s not healthy to keep things bottled up all the time??

At this point, Courtney?s expression had become very soft, as her eyes soon drifted off of me and onto the floor. But she then looked back up at me, grinning warmly. ?Scott, I don?t think I?ve ever seen this side of you before? You?re acting all, sweet? All this time I?ve completely misjudged you.?

?Well, hey. There?s a lot of things you don?t know about me?? I laughed a little, rubbing the back of my head all bashful like. ?You?re embarrassing me? And look, I?m sorry about what happened earli-?

?No, Scott.? Courtney immediately corrected me. ?It?s my fault. I shouldn?t have tried to push you away when you were only trying to help? Like you said before, it?s my pride that blinds me from reality. I should?ve just been open with you from the very beginning and not give into my stubborn tendencies??

I noticed the frown returning to her face as she lowered her head at me, rather ashamed of the way that she had acted around me earlier. But she eyed me in confusion as I just sort of smiled at her. ?Well, it?s who you are. Nothing to feel all bad about? Besides, I kind of like it when you?re all moody like this.? I couldn?t help but tease her a bit, adding a playful wink in there. I saw her mood lighten up a bit, but was caught completely off guard once she threw her arms around me.

?Thanks, Scott?? Courtney softly spoke in my ear, and that alone with enough to send chills down my spin. I couldn?t deny it: I was madly in love with her, but I just had to face the facts on how we were never gonna work out? It?s a sad truth that I?ve gotta face.

After she broke away from me, we both just stood there all silently for a minute before I decided to continue our little discussion. ?Well, seems like it?s getting awfully late out. I don?t wanna just have ya walk back out in the dark like this, so I think it would be probably best if you stayed here for the night. I mean, if you?re alright with it, anyway? Either way, it?s up to you.?

?I like that idea.? Court happily nodded back at me in response, which instantly made me smile on the inside; my heart was just
melting at the very sight of her right now. She was just too perfect? But I knew I was never gonna have her.

?Well, anyway. Just make yourself at home.? I kindly offered, gesturing around the room. ?My place is yours. My parents ain?t exactly in town right now, so we pretty much have the whole place to ourselves.?

That?s when Courtney started looking long and hard at me over something, and I couldn?t help but get a little worried over it. ?Umm, is something wrong??

?It?s just?? she slowly began, once again avoiding eye contact with me. ?Why are you doing all this for me? I mean, I didn?t exactly treat you the best? If anything, I was a lousy friend to you. I just don?t think I?m very deserving of your kindness?? I could tell Courtney was feeling a little depressed again, as I just sort of stood there biting my lip looking like a total idiot; I knew I had to quickly think of something so I wouldn?t end up losing her again.

?Hey, don?t be all like that?? I assured her, lifting her chin up so I could get her to look me straight in the eyes. ?Like I said earlier, we?re friends. And how I?d be willing to do anything I can to help you out. Don?t doubt yourself anymore, Courtney. Because I know this ain?t the real you? You?re strong, independent, and the most intelligent person I know. And whatever happened, happened? Whatever this thing was that happened to ya, it?s not the end of the world? Every life has it?s fair share of obstacles, but ya just gotta saddle up and take a bull by the horns, if you get my gist??


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27 Sep 2014, 8:56 am

purile and futile
but who am i to dash these fecund dreams
everyones leaves
leafs fall to the ground

Be kinder than necessary for everyone is fighting some kind of battle


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01 Oct 2014, 12:20 pm

I've been doing a bit of soul-searching, lately, about a blog I started this summer. I'm not sure how it will evolve, but I'm questioning my whole polemic approach to humor. The post I put put up yesterday isn't half-bad, I feel. About the only other article worth anything is "Bob Dylan Blues." Not sure whether I'll keep it going. ... hin-snaps/

What do you call a hot dog in a gangster suit?

Oscar Meyer Lansky


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23 Oct 2014, 12:46 am

This is a poem I wrote in college last year called The Night.

The night,
Why do people fear it?
Such a haunting entity,
Full of darkness and mystery.
Is it the fear of the unknown,
That which can?t be seen,
That fear that pulls us down,
Crippling our very being.
Or even worse still,
Is it what we do know:
The demons that threaten our very will,
That haunt our past through and through.
Whatever it may be,
Whether seen or unseen,
There are also those who are,
Attracted strongly to the dark.
Oh night, what could it be,
That attracts so many souls to ye?
Is it the sheer feeling of mystery,
From you, the most unknown entity?
Maybe it?s the full moon at the midnight hour,
Shining its silver light full of eldritch power.
For this is when the children of the night,
Spread their leathery wings and take flight.
Living on in our fear and fascination,
These mystical creatures, born from imagination.
Personally, I am one with it, a son of the night,
Its seductive beauty, is my single true delight.


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09 Nov 2014, 5:36 am

This is what happens when you watch the Jar of Dirt remix on youtube on repeat.

Scott's Jar Of Dirt

Scott was sitting on the steps of the loser cabin, clutching something, quite odd and peculiar against his chest: a jar of dirt. He stared down through the glass of it intently, before smirking at it quietly to himself. And inside this jar of dirt is something quite important to me? He continued to have a ?moment? with it, until a certain CIT caught him in the act.

?Scott, what are you doing out here?? Courtney grimaced, trying her best to hide her feelings of disgust from what she saw: she had just walked outside of the loser cabin, and had interrupted Scott as he was in the middle of licking the jar? The brunette had always known that the dirt farmer was strange, but now this scenario had just intensified that idea for her even more. Regardless, she still tried her best to fake a smile, waiting for an answer from him.

?Oh, hey, Courtney!? the redhead spun around to greet her. ?Didn?t see ya! Check it out! I?ve gotta jar of dirt!?

Courtney just continued to stare back blankly at the ginger confused, before raising an eyebrow at him. ?Well, I can see that it?s a jar filled with dirt, but what I don?t really understand is why you?re making such a big deal about it? I mean, what?s the significance??

The devious dirt farmer just proceeded to look back up at her for a moment, before bursting out with laughter! ?Umm, heelllooo?! Babe, it?s a jar of freaking dirt!? Scott then held the object over his head proudly, shaking it around a bit.

?Umm, yes. I already know that?? she muttered awkwardly, rubbing her arm while she just continued to witness him shaking it around like crazy. ?I just want to know why it?s so special to you, is all? I mean, we are technically together now, Scott. I just want to learn everything I can about you??

?Well?? he started. ?It?s what?s inside that makes it so special??

?Really?? she smiled at him intriguingly. ?Well, what?s in it??

?Nuh-uh!? Scott exclaimed rather defensively, causing her to gasp at his quick reflexes; he clutched the jar of dirt even closer to him as he looked at her. ?I can?t say what?s in it, otherwise it won?t be special anymore??

?Oh, really now, Scott?? Courtney chuckled lightly. ?You can?t even be bothered to tell your own girlfriend? Frankly, I?m a little hurt. But I?m sure it wouldn?t hurt as much if I just took a quick, little peek?? The brunette reached a hand out to take the glass jar away from her future boyfriend, but to her shock and surprise, he just slapped her hand away.

?I already told ya, babe.? the farm boy replied back hastily. ?I can?t let ya see what?s in it??

At this point, the CIT was getting a bit annoyed with the secrecy surrounding the jar; she mainly blamed her stubbornness, and intense curiosity to know everything for getting her there. So, she just continued to stand there. Hovering above Scott, with her hands firmly placed on her hips. ?Really, Scott? You?re being unreasonable right now. I just want to know what?s in that stupid thing, but you won?t tell me!?

?Hey! My jar of dirt ain?t stupid!? he shot back as he stood up to face her. ?You?re just jealous cause I like it more than you!?

?Honestly, if what you just said to me is true, then I don?t even want to be your girlfriend!? she fumed angrily before storming off. ?Have fun with your dumb, little jar!?

Scott just glared at her backside as she stormed away, leaving him seething with rage on the inside. However, he soon managed to calm himself down, stroking the cold glass of the jar peacefully. ?Don?t worry, she?ll be back. She gets like this sometimes. And don?t worry?? She?ll never know about the secrets that you hold.


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11 Dec 2014, 5:40 pm

Galactic Hardships (poem)

Here's one thing to promise me.
Promise eye to eye we'll see,
so you know it's you that pain becomes.
You think you must be forced to succumb.
In reality, you try to heal too quick.
You end up torn by storms; they're thick.
Detrimental pain to which storms give birth.
You traveled to Venus; come back to Earth.

You're shattered by this atmosphere,
You're even unable to walk my dear,
because broken is your spine.
Gravity isn't always kind.
Crushing is your pain, it's true.
But moving on, it's up to you.
I live my life by what I say.
You hold on to pain; it never goes away.

Spaceship landed where you reside,
You can run but you can never hide.
The green guy will always sneak up
to force boulders in your plastic cup.
You are your own worst enemy.
By your choice; you don't have to be.
Pleasure and pain run and pain wins the race.
Too much goes into your mind for it's space.

Green guy's no one but you, you alien,
so throw yourself in the recycling bin.
You'd write yourself letters when you were young,
but now self hatred spews out your tongue.
You know yourself not, may the letter be sent?
This is the case of self abandonment.
You recycled yourself but the letter was burned.
Find yourself again; it's your turn.


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01 Jan 2015, 1:39 am

Here's some of my work on deviantart. I just wrote those poems a few minutes ago for some reason. Also the short story is set in the same universe as my novel.