b9 wrote:
wow you are still an emu egg after 4 years.
you must really like the ben folds five in order to make a post about it.
i did not know he lived in australia.
To be honest, I completely forgot that I had ever had a membership here. I randomly happened to see this thread about underrated music, and tried to join up with the same email account I had in 2006; didn't work for obvious reasons. I retrieved this old username/password, then I looked at the few posts that I made here four years ago:
"There never was any etiquette on the internet. Everyone is worse than Hitler."
"not at all dumb."
"Murder-suicide pacts are the new dating."
"uh. The holocaust didn't really happen; it was just a big beach party and the jews got a little suntan?"
Did I really say these things? Was I so viciously anti-semitic for no good reason? Why so overwhelmingly negative? Was this sarcasm? I have no idea. I'm sure that "not letting go of the past ever" is an aspie issue, but still, I wasn't even aware that I ever wrote these things until recently, and I'm rather horrified that I was ever so brusque on the internet (a place that's well-known for its hostility). I feel pretty guilty about these words. If anyone ever wanted proof that we all evolve over the years, they might do well to inspect their posts on internet forums from four years ago, because I've seen a time capsule of myself, and I don't much like it. I think I've made huge strides as a sociable person, based on this discovery of my past idiocy.
On-topic: The Guillemots