Drawyer wrote:
marcb0t wrote:
Well, at least I have the passion and insanity!
But a lot of the other musicians you've been sharing are incredibly gifted and blow me completely out of the water! I don't know if I can touch that kind of skill.
You know..the musicians that I posted have the extreme gift. They are the bests of the bests. Nobody here or anywhere could not touch that skill lol..
So..I mean, what I want to tell you is that "I really enjoy hearing your music." as I can hear the passion and talent and insanity? in your song.
You have a talent so let me appreciate your songs..if you don't mind.
Uh, yes yes, Drawyer-San! ('^,^)>
I am honored by your appreciation of my insanity.
Stay tuned for more musical yumminess!
The cutest most lovable little rob0t on Earth! (^.^)