Loborojo wrote:
don't know how to paste pictures here but you can surf to my site:
www.alann.infoif you are still interested in knowing how to post images, this is what you do.
take the complete url of the image (.gif/.png/.jpg), copy and paste it...then right before the url, put:
with open and closed brackets on either side "["
then after the url, do the same thing, except after the open brack and before the "img" place a forward slash "/"
"[/???]" the question marks represent the letters:
[???](url goes here)[/???]
but without the parentheses and IMG replacing the question marks.
IF you mouse-over the little icon that looks like two mountains and a sun above it, which is right beside the youtube icon, when posting, you will see the format-to-follow listed below the icon in the green strip.
How confusing was that explanation? When I was first trying to post images, I was confused, because I'm used to using HTML. I don't generally use forums/BBS. But I guess it's standard forum posting code.