b9 wrote:
..,removed due to mediocrity.
Would you STOP THAT?!??!?
Dang, dude, mediocrity whether real or perceived never stopped me from posting in here. If nothing else, post because most likely there has at some point been something in here worse than what you'd post.
Though to be fair, I have to admit the stuff I've gotten done over the last couple of months is truly awful. The best I've done so far was singing "Forever Reign" (One Sonic Society) with my church choir and band. Talk about a reality check... But it also had the effect of motivating some of the volunteer musicians I work with to step up. Epic fail for me. Big win for the other people who actually matter.
At the moment I'm writing a hymn arrangement for handbells using "traveling 4-in-hand" technique. The handbell parts are pretty much finished, but I can't convince my partner to really give my choreography a chance. The idea behind traveling is that you can hold on to your primary bells (primaries use a conventional technique) while dropping your secondaries and picking up new secondaries. This technique avoids the more conventional/easier but more restricting technique of interlocking bells and allows us to play 4-part harmony for a more bell ensemble sound rather than the simple 2-part effect we normally go for. The way I feel about writing choreography for traveling is it's like working backwards, and actual performance has a sort of feel like a rope unraveling. Conventional playing feels more like "weaving." The good news for me is that I'm learning to write parts that are actually playable. Perhaps I'll make a video of just what I have and post that in the next week or two...