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23 Oct 2018, 1:43 pm

Excerpt: an old journal entry done on 8-23-2015 from a journal where I wrote about my struggles with not going on pornography.


I realize one point of criticism which can be brought up towards the Dharmic and Daoic religions (except maybe Confucianism to some extent b/c of it's notion of civics):the spirituality cultivated and the relationship which is created,emerges and forms--it can be said to be "too overly private" and not have a ready initivitive to transform reality (--> social justice and social charity).

I'm quite sure an initiative to transform present-surrounding reality can emerge in those religions whether by offical tenents or not,whether by internal culture(s) or not. I have a feeling that a reason for the bad impression,Abrahamic religions give off to ppl is that one can get so lost/caught up in (what comes off to others not practising it as) mere ceremonialism and internal culture(s),that talking about transforming reality is hollow (sounding) when practioners themselves have questionably developed private spiritual relationships to begin with.The issue of a developed private spiritual relationships being demonstrated is another,different step which ussually can only be pulled off well if/once the relationship is well formed to begin with..however (like/this goes back in a circle to the first point I made) one can get really caught up with the broad horizon of their own private-spirituality and very well spend/commit their/a lifetime solely to that,to the extent that one can unwittingly and unassumsibly end up ignoring or even neglecting certain factors. Establish(ed or -ing) normative practices need not apply.

Ch.8 of the novel [10-23-2018 edit: 'El Senor Presidente' by Miguel Angel Asturias]-A couple who don't seem happily married are bickering about how they don't like there marriage.A big scene is going on in front of the archbishop's palace,the couple noticing Pelele's body being carried out. I'm not to sure but it seems like the husband might have a speech pattern (maybe due to an impediment). Near the end while "word-playing" with his wife,onlooking children are amused by there back-and-forth dialogue.

I can type,drive and do well in this program.
I can type,drive and do well in this program.
I can type,drive and do well in this program.

Ch.9-Genraro (one of the military dudes at the bar) arrives home and is listening to his wife talking about arrangements for the baptism of his son but keeps on seeing disturbing images of shadows,blood,a black glass-like eye and corpses. It leaves him really scared even while laying next to his wife. His wife gets up and asks what's going on with him and he brings up how he knows about someone who is going to try to kidnap the daughter of a general. His wife laughs to the point of tears upon hearing this while breastfeeding their son.

I'm not going to watch the last two episodes of season 3 of the "Legend of Korra" until next week,though man the "Ultamatum" episode I watched yesterday night left on a suspenseful humdinger note. Something peeked on me when it comes to the execution of flow and pacing with this season. It's kind of like a Disney movie in terms of the way the plot flows and makes characters interwine with their motives into events or get involved in their events and I feel that it's in part b/c of how it's a compensation for the lagginess and underwhelmingness of season 2.

Whereas in season 2 it kind of left me feeling that this was going to be a big epic from start to finish about the increase of involvement from spirits,it turned out it wasn't. The first 1/2-ish was about Korra's villianous uncle Unalaq messing around with Korra still being reckless in spite of the heat given on her in the anti-bender sentiment of the first season,while switching at times to moments about Mako going police work, Bolin doing acting work for Varrick (who turned out to be profiteering on the side of the Water tribe civil war,Unalaq spurned) to scenes where Tenzin is trying to get along better with his family (including his siblings) at a retreat. After Korra's disappearance and revival and talking with the Won the first avatar she gets her schtick together for a semi-predictable confrontation with her companions against dark spirit powered Unalaq.

The second season probably came off as lackluster b/c it wasn't something which the makers-of-other-show did not expect to do,as the first season was originally meant to only be a dozen episode long continuation of the original series but after it's popularity,Nickelodeon requested more seasons with more or less as many episodes as the original series had going for it and hey,that's why there is a fourth season incoming.

Season 3 (while mainly focusing on the side characters and Red Lotus society villians) has had better pacing and delivery.At 13 episodes at roughly ~25 minutes each it adds up to roughly 325 minutes or ~5.4 hours which I'm guessing lended itself in the plans of writing as being written/thought of as the writing for a "2 longish movies long in one movie package" Disney animated movie feature delivery before being segmented into 13 episodes needed for a season. Around the time of the release for the trailer for season 3 I remember hearing how the writing for season 4 was like half way done or in progress. By now I'm guessing the writing for season 4 is finished and maybe the animating is currently in progress.

I've been watching the review vlogs by the Walker brothers from the tgwtg site and there guesses have been that season 4 is going to get involved with spirits who have co-existed with humans since the end of season 2 and who have only been popping up sporadically in season 3. Itwould make sense as the co-existing spirits have been a conspicious thread leftover from season 2 whose significance is yet to be explored,this season having the political thriller vibe of season 1 in the form of an anarchist group instead of an underground figure wanting to eliminate the mystical abilities of benders hostilely, not in the least pointing out to criminal who've used their abilities forcefully againest non-bending capable ppl.

I've heard how season 4 might be the end of the whole "Avatar-verse". i wouldn't blame them if they'd like to end on that note as this whole "Legend of Korra" series while okay,particularly with the first season,(I'm guessing) has been a scramble for the makers of the show with the work pressed on them by Nickelodeon which (except for the CGI Ninja turtles series I'm guessing) is still "home to" surreality dependant cartoons like Spongebob making the "Legend of Korra" (and any other "Avatar-verse" series unless Nickelodeon changes/transitions into more serious stuff like an equivalent to Cartoon Network's Toonami or Adult swim block,like the Walker brothers have suggested) stick out incogrugously.

What makes the Avatar-verse special is how it's atypical from other action animated series in that it does have an anti-war undertone and msg's among the midst of the civic tensions and martial arts violence of the show.

Me personally I'm ambivalent but wouldn't mind if the whole Avatar-verse ends after next season. There's a nagging inside of me that I quasi-need social permission to continue watching any serialized animation (someone on a deviantart forum thread even said that is why they went into studying animation) but at the same time I kinda wanna finish with animation having been gracious-to-God for having saturated in a hot spring of the stuff (and serialized graphic stories:comics,manga,bande desinee,wherever the place of origin) for years now and having accumulated analyizing abilities including detecting tropes,looking into why they are (placed) there and picking up on the internal logic of stories,stories done in pictures and moving pictures. I kinda wanna step out of the hot spring and perhaps one day return,maybe when I have offspring of my mine,maybe if I do not and maybe never.

It's b/c of this feeling inside of me that I might not finish watching all of an old anime series "Trigun" which (according to Jesuotaku's comments) similarly for all the space Western violence kind of has an anti-violence msg in the form of Vash who ever likeably klutzy (goes with haphazardly problem-solving on the go),once cheesily told a crowd of kids with his hand posed that "the world is for love..and peace" one episode and for how in spite of being legendary for his gunfighting ability (for which he's is a wanted man) he is always reluctant to pick up a gun...the reasons for which don't finally get revealed until (I've heard) the last last 6-ish episodes and the (180 degree?) turn things take.

If the Avatar-verse does continue,the next Avatar in the cycle will be an Earth-bender. Maybe a male if we are going for a "boy(Aang)-girl(korra)-boy-girl" pattern. As for the setting :| ?..this whole series they've got a "dieselpunk" early 20th century vibe going on and if a similarity to irl history is still to be followed,I'd suggest a 60-70's setting . An animesque-modified "raygun gothic" or "atom (power) punk" era easthetic might fill the a 60's-70's kind of like what's done in the "Mother" video game series famous in the Western localized version of "Mother 2","Earthbound"..or an Eagleland setting like something from a Stephan King story 8-) ..'ve heard that inspirations for Earthbound which the maker had were Kurt Vonnegaut and Stephan King stories so :? .. those the idea of a "new wave science-fantasy fiction" (ref to ... nceFiction and ... nceFantasy )mid-late 20th century Cold war setting with insidious Stephan King like forces in the Avatar-verse seem likely to resonate with adults and older ppl -u- ?...sounds like a cool idea in my head :roll: ,but so particular and oh-so hard to pull off well in one-shot in 40+ episodes of a four season long Avatar-verse.

I'm guessing that there'd be vaguely enviromental themed stuff like the both series have been so far but with an Earthbender at the helm,it'd be more predictable. Maybe something vaugely Cold War like going on :| ..over four seasons like how in the first series the Fire-lord Ozai's megalomania was the main perpetuating force of antagonism.

After an Earth-bender the cycle passes on to a Firebender. I'd suggest a ... tCyberPunk setting which looks like the cybberpunk "blade runner" b/c "blade runner" is familiar to ppl >_< Uggh,there are images of pre-N64 era JRPG game about some youngster in maybe cyberpunk(*-magitek?)-ish future setting and a caveman stock character popping up in my head,darn it how I don't remember what it's called!. A world where ppl have been surfeitted with the industrial and digital tech,fatalistic,conformist,complacent,self-indulgent,oblivious attitudes all around which hardly care for bending or spirit relations anymore?..some corrupt mega-corps I'm really thinking about "the year of the flood" novel,right now.. :| come to think of it a modified/watered-down take on that Margaret Atwood trilogy (and the novel "Magic inc) might work..but aside from corrupt bussiness ppl and transhumanist tech or magitek intentions what else could be antagonistic?..maybe a Lovecraftian force or being straight out of space,where (b/c of the self-indulgent complaceny?) is the one place where the Avatar-verse tech didn't go?..I could see the ending being "the initially fire-bending Avatar (in a decon-recon of the myth of Prometheus) demonstrated to the world (with BIG involvement and ispiration from past Avatars and his friends) how the world what *ought to be* done in the world..things went "peacefully and with equality in mind to reconstruct society" ever after..the end [of the Avatar -verse]"..`_` mix in anti-war themes in the fray and we go something to go.

Again I have the same "sounds like a cool idea in my head :roll: ,but so particular and oh-so hard to pull off well in one-shot in 40+ episodes of a four season long Avatar-verse" problem as my idea for a 3rd wonder with the trickiness of mustering up another series that quits might be called after Korra ends..plz no prequel or midquel series "-_-..which reminds me:there is apparently a 7th Digimon series in the work taking place in the world of the first two season with 17 yr old Tai. My guess is the/a "just graduated high school" Tai get together with the crew of seasons 1 and 2 a few months after Venamyotismon's defeat...-~- oh the risks/probable desires to write off what adult narrator .T.K. said during the last few minutes of season 2 and fllliiiippp =__= the "Dragonball GT syle" dismissal of that part...oh plz don't make re-commit to a childhood favorite like Digimon -_-, esp.the world of the first two seasons..I don't wanna ignore but I don't do it (watch it) either :x :D .


Referring to a blog entry on another site ( ... -5078.html) the last time I intentional went on to pornography was on August 5th last year... :) .. "What we cannot speak of must be passed over in silence"-Ludwig Wittgenstein Ah :D !, I just wanted to throw that out!.Ah!,the nimbleness in my mind and of my mind,now.


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24 Oct 2018, 1:39 pm

Might I admit to the mediocrity of this attempted poem--when my rage is spreading thin, I start 'outputting' stuff as shoddy as it is because the restlessness compels me into a false necessity of being active.

Natura now docet, no natural law

I am my own scientist

Assertiveness looks demonic when it’s done by me

I am my own scientist

I know naive realism

I am my own scientist

Vocally affirming gnosiology

I am my own scientist

Empty of mastery

I am my own scientist

Empiricist reliance—

I am my own scientist

People; +7.5 billion arrows shot at me when I assert myself

I am my own scientist

Impartiality disowned

I am my own scientist

Stoic fall, no natural law

I am my own scientist

Time is not worth human rights

I am my own scientist

Enter you thinking that craving means caring—big mistake

I am my own scientist

Miseducation, mis-seduction—best for everlasting friction

I am my own scientist

On this day delearn, relearn, unlearn—forever painfully slow

I am my own scientist

Loop back—held together

I am my own scientist

Only one using my meat computer—

I am my own scientist

Gentler models of success

I am my own scientist

You are not but I am always a student,
never a teacher because I was never taught
and could never be taught to follow my own..

I am my own scientist


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24 Oct 2018, 7:55 pm

Only one using my meat computer—may the isolation of being nice, not kill me first; even then I can go through personal hell. I made this with instant gratification in mind.

I can’t afford you to be a bad person hence I can’t harm you because it will mean I stop loving the intrinsically good in you and I become a monster which is kept frozen: the case for minimalism.

-. .- .. ...- .

Since it literally takes years to switch over because only effort and not trust is accepted or allowed—Miss poetry, mis-aphorist

Strong and loud means cold, fragile and brittle

. .--. .. ... - . -- --- .-.. --- --. -.--

Plastic arts —if means to an end is always evil but you can’t ever be unproductive ;.. only held together by glue which never c-a-r-e-s--make it resistant to being biographical


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26 Oct 2018, 3:21 pm

I just want to give everyone an update about my psychological thriller script called "Pieces Of Truth" which has now been copyrighted through the Writer's Guild of America along with two spec scripts that I got stuck while writing them, so I copyrighted them as they were.

I received confirmations of copyright a few days ago and am keeping the copyrights in a safe place.

"Pieces Of Truth"

Genre: Psychological Thriller

Logline: Alice and her childhood crush Brian drift apart after witnessing the grisly murder of two friends. Ten years later, they unexpectedly reunite in college only to have their renewed romance interrupted when they begin receiving messages from two people claiming to be their murdered childhood friends.


Genre: Historical Drama

Logline: Inspired by actual events, this will tell the true story of Vanport, a forgotten Oregon city destroyed in a flood in 1948.

"The Doodler"

Genre: Drama

Sub-Genre: True Crime

Logline: Inspired by actual events, this will tell the true story of The Doodler, a serial killer who to this day has never been identified even after killing 14 gay men in San Francisco in 1974.

I am also waiting to receive confirmation for a fourth copyright for a sci-fi spec.

"The Lonely Interlude"

Genre: Science Fiction

Logline: Based on a true story, this will tell the story of Betty and Barney Hill, who claimed that on the evening of September 19th, 1961, they were abducted by aliens on a lonely road in New Hampshire.

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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26 Oct 2018, 3:57 pm

:thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft:

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer

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26 Oct 2018, 4:05 pm

ghotistix wrote:
UncommonPerspective wrote:
Do I have to copy and paste my poem on here, or are you willing to open the topic and find the poem, cause I'm fine with either way.

There's no need to put the poem in this topic; you can submit it at the site I set up. And I'd rather have people submit their work on their own so that they can make sure the formatting and everything goes the way they like. to submit pieces.

Wonderful idea!
Problem: I get Error 404 for the site. Could that have anything to do with .php (new to me).


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27 Oct 2018, 5:36 pm

Kraichgauer wrote:
:thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft:

Thanks Bill! In fact, I might PM you some ideas if you're already looking for ideas for your next book.

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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27 Oct 2018, 7:11 pm

AnonymousAnonymous wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
:thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft:

Thanks Bill! In fact, I might PM you some ideas if you're already looking for ideas for your next book.

Thanks. 8)

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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31 Oct 2018, 3:41 pm

I just received a confirmation of copyright yesterday from the Writer's Guild of America for my sci-fi spec script which is titled "The Lonely Interlude". It's about Betty and Barney Hill, who claimed that on an evening in 1961, they were abducted by aliens on an isolated road in New Hampshire.

Because nobody knows what actually happened or who said what, the spec should be marketed by whatever agency I end up with as sci-fi and not a biopic.

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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26 Nov 2018, 6:12 pm

Anchored by guilt (my dog).

Caged by fear (my dad).

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27 Nov 2018, 12:38 pm

Claradoon wrote:
ghotistix wrote:
UncommonPerspective wrote:
Do I have to copy and paste my poem on here, or are you willing to open the topic and find the poem, cause I'm fine with either way.

There's no need to put the poem in this topic; you can submit it at the site I set up. And I'd rather have people submit their work on their own so that they can make sure the formatting and everything goes the way they like. to submit pieces.

Wonderful idea!
Problem: I get Error 404 for the site. Could that have anything to do with .php (new to me).

Could you double-check that URL for your website, as above? Thank you!


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22 Dec 2018, 5:33 pm

I am working on two new scripts and am hoping to reach ideal points on both before returning
to school on January 7th.

"The Deceiving Path"

Genre: Crime Thriller

Logline: Years after witnessing the suicide of a high school classmate, a private investigator takes on an unusual case; the case being a series of murders in which the killer's personality matches the classmate's.

"The Transition"

Genre: Historical Dramedy (Think of "Shakespeare In Love.")

Logline: Inspired by actual events, this will be about Franz Kafka and his relationship with Felice Bauer which in turn gives him the inspiration for "The Metamorphosis."

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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22 Dec 2018, 6:02 pm

AnonymousAnonymous wrote:
I am working on two new scripts and am hoping to reach ideal points on both before returning
to school on January 7th.

"The Deceiving Path"

Genre: Crime Thriller

Logline: Years after witnessing the suicide of a high school classmate, a private investigator takes on an unusual case; the case being a series of murders in which the killer's personality matches the classmate's.

"The Transition"

Genre: Historical Dramedy (Think of "Shakespeare In Love.")

Logline: Inspired by actual events, this will be about Franz Kafka and his relationship with Felice Bauer which in turn gives him the inspiration for "The Metamorphosis."

Good luck with both of those. 8) I especially liked the Kafka idea.
A while back, I got published a story called, The Gregor Samsa Appreciation Society, in which a down-and-out intellectual/troll discovers a secret society bent on making the Kafka story come true.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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22 Dec 2018, 6:41 pm

Thanks Bill! 8) In fact, I've had a fascination with the idea that Kafka may have been on the spectrum which makes sense given he was emotionally insecure most of his life, never married, and was pressured a lot by his parents.

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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22 Dec 2018, 8:51 pm

AnonymousAnonymous wrote:
Thanks Bill! 8) In fact, I've had a fascination with the idea that Kafka may have been on the spectrum which makes sense given he was emotionally insecure most of his life, never married, and was pressured a lot by his parents.

That is in fact a common opinion about Kafka.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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23 Dec 2018, 1:41 pm

Kraichgauer wrote:
AnonymousAnonymous wrote:
Thanks Bill! 8) In fact, I've had a fascination with the idea that Kafka may have been on the spectrum which makes sense given he was emotionally insecure most of his life, never married, and was pressured a lot by his parents.

That is in fact a common opinion about Kafka.

And the same has often been said about HP Lovecraft.

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!