ShenLong wrote:
Giftorcurse wrote:
Here's a hint, chelloveck.
Still haven't read Clockwork Orange. I need to read it some day.
Burgess, Borges.
Accidental Branding.
how brands were created by regular (non marketing) people. Burt's bees, Columbia sportswear, The Art of Shaving, Clifs Bar, etc.
Easy to read but way
wayy too shallow, doesn't offer any interesting stuff.
I found Outliers (by Malcolm Gladwell) 1000% times better.
Made to Stick
How to create stuff that gets remembered. Good for advertising, Marketing, design, spots, teaching, science, etc.
Very good book,
highly recommended!
Also reading:
The innovator's solution
Very good book,
highly recommended!
Also "reading":
The art of looking sideways by Alan Fletcher
On amazon it says "A guide to visual awareness". This book is HUGE in all senses, every margin has some idea, some pic, some data, some drawing or some sketch, some thought, some tidbit, A LOT. It has so much stuff crammed in every single page, margin and footnote that I don't know if I'll ever finish it
A lot of love and care was put into this book, and it shows.
I LOVE this book
RIP mr. Fletcher.
Next on queue:
The introvert advantage
DFW's Lobsters book
Stephen King - On writing
Napoleon Hill - Think and grow rich
and a couple more I'm forgetting...
One of God's own prototypes. Some kind of high powered mutant never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.