firebird93 wrote:
A Radical Christian is the type of person that considers almost everything that is fictional an abomination to God, much like those people who think that Pokemon and Harry Potter are Satanic.
An especially amusing attitude in light of the fact that their own creation story is lifted whole-cloth from a much earlier Sumerian myth, right down to the name of
E Din. The Sumerian version of course is mythological, but the plagiarized version in the Canonical Bible is historical fact straight from God's lips.
And isn't it funny how of the four 'synoptic' ('seeing together' or 'in agreement') gospels, Mark and John both agree that Jesus was born in Nazareth the son of a human carpenter, while Matthew concocts an elaborate tale of immaculate conception, a census which never took place, birth in a manger (in Bethlehem no less - not Nazareth), choirs of angels and gift-bearing Magi from the East, all to make a convincing case for Jesus' birth having fulfilled traditional Messianic prophesy (which the birth of a carpenter's son in Nazareth would not). Luke, of course, as a 'historian' borrows freely from everyone and merges fact and fiction in one grand sweeping epic.
Then along comes Saul of Tarsus, the Christian-Killer (having never met Jesus), who claims to have a change of heart and begins running all over the region teaching a brand of philosophy that in no way resembles the actual somewhat mystical Essene-style Jewish faith of Jesus himself, and whose Pauline version of Christianity is pushed by the Roman Emperor and ultimately endorsed as the only true faith. Enter the Council of Nicea, who take all existing 'scriptures' and edit them, to determine which will endorse the officially sanctioned religion and which are to be banned as heresy, because
they of course, are the
only men qualified to determine God's true will and teachings.
Ironic, isn't it? Where would Christianity be today without fiction? And isn't hijacking a faith of love and forgiveness and turning it into one of judgment and intolerance TRULY Satanic? I mean, if I were Satan, I'd consider that my greatest accomplishment.