Aimless wrote:
Isn't that the same thing as Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring?
As has been stated, no it is not. One is by Beethoven and the other by Bach, just for starters.
I couldn't find a full clip of it that could do it justice, but this curious clip from "Immortal Beloved" says volumes.
I consider "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring" to be on the same level with this piece. I know others may not agree, but I find both leave me with the same "hand of God" feeling... Though one is decidedly shorter.
Now I have to say, I actually got the chance to sing the Ode to Joy with a big choir gathered from churches throughout Southern California in August of 1997. I don't do a lot of professional singing... okay, none. They mentioned it at our humble church choir practice (we weren't much of a choir, honestly, week to week), that they were looking for people to come and sing just the Ode to Joy with some orchestra at the LA. Arboretum. I couldn't believe it. They were taking an awful chance. I am so glad they did, because I have far more desire than talent when it comes to music. I could sing just well enough to come to practice and sing alto and do something I thought I'd never in my life have the opportunity to do. I was 7 months pregnant when we performed it (mercifully in the cool of the evening) and how the baby thrashed when we sang. It was thunderous, more than loud enough for her to detect even in there. And the memory of it ranks up with, or at any rate near, her birth as treasured memories go.
Last thing... never assume something is an Aspie trait just because you have it. An above poster named their lack of emotional connection to music as an Aspie trait. I think you'll find people here who would say otherwise. Starting with me. If e didn't connect to music emotionally, then the music folder would be exclusively about the technical aspects of sound... and it's not.
"Pack up my head, I'm goin' to Paris!" - P.W.
The world loves diversity... as long as it's pretty, makes them look smart and doesn't put them out in any way.
There's the road, and the road less traveled, and then there's MY road.