Hey every one, I'm just a young musician that has plegd his life to music, But in my young beginning carrea i've always wondered what else is there, i've noticed that if it is music it's been done, every type of music(Rock, Jazz, RnB Ect..) and others(Rock with a little jazz.) So no matter what now, we have come to a point that in music all we do is put differemt notes and instruments together but basically it's all the same. same same same.. I've always wonder could there; is there more, I can't explain it. and i feel like i just have this block on my head i can feel it but not see it. is there more to is. A sound with some sort of frequency or anything to make it better. Like movies, we have got film, cd, dvd, HD, soon hologram.. but the point is there is more to it, i don't know if i'm making sence or just going crazing. But for a while now i've stop in my music and started learning in science to make it posiable, any idea.. or anything? Sorry if I spelt some words wrong..
"Not everything that steps out of line, and thus 'abnormal', must necessarily be 'inferior'."
- Hans Asperger (1938)