Good free ebooks on the following topics?

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Joined: 15 Apr 2009
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23 Jan 2010, 6:45 am

hey everyone,
havn't been on the net for a while due to financial reasons. I've only got another two or three hours on the net, so a speedyt reply would be much appreciated.

I've become incredibly interested in medicine, and I was wondering if anyone knows any good, FREE ebooks about first aid, surgery, or any topic really. Preferably something to improve my actual practical knowledge.

Given the size of the community, no-one likely remembers me, but I'd like to say that this website, during my brief stay, gave me fantastic interspection, and I know understand that it's stupid to define myself as one condition, but rather a person alternating between Schizoid, Schizotypal, Avoidant, and Narcissism periodically, with underlying AS traits. Thanks :D, and please reply ;)